So, we’re well into things on the pre-production front, gearing up for shooting the pilot episode of THE FIXER TV series (based on my Lawson Vampire novels). I thought I’d take a moment and do something of a FAQ for fans and people who might be interested in helping out on the production:

1. Have you cast all the roles for the series?

The short answer is no. The detailed answer requires more of an explanation. THE FIXER will have very few constant roles. We’ve already cast the most-important role of Lawson, who will be played by Brandon S. Stumpf. Aside from Lawson, the character audiences will see the most of is Niles, Lawson’s Control. We haven’t cast Niles yet. Other characters that will “pop in” from episode to episode are Arthur (grizzled ex-Fixer in his 60s from the UK), Talya (Lawson’s on-again-off-again love interest who is Asian/Eurasian and hot as all Hell), Martina (bookish but beautiful blonde who works as the armorer at the Council building in Boston and pines for Lawson). In Season One, there are also appearances by Jack (the Invoker Lawson has informally adopted as something of a son), Benny the Phreak (uber-computer hacker) and a variety of others (some of whom have already been cast). Naturally, we’ll need villains, although the recurring bad guy for Season One has also already been cast. Lesser villains and characters will always be needed, as well as extras. So if you’re interested in putting your face into the mix, you can email me at jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net with your vitals. We are working with a casting director, so any interest will be forwarded to them as well, although since this is my baby, my vote counts a lot because of the way I want this series to look.

2. Are you looking for producers?

No. And I don’t like getting emails from people I don’t know asking about the status of our finances.

3. Okay, are you still looking for investors?

Sure, if you’re interested in coming on-board as an investor and earning a 50% ROI, the minimum buy-in is $10,000. Contact me for details. (Email is in answer #1 above)

4. What about crew?

We’re looking for talented crew members for a lot of positions, so feel free to apply. Email is in answer #1 above.

5. I just graduated and don’t have much experience. Does that matter?

While I hope you know the rudimentary aspects of whatever job you’re applying for, I’m less concerned with experience than I am with your personality and work ethic. A lack of experience (within reason) can be effectively neutralized by a kick-ass attitude and tireless work ethic.

Also, I want to make it absolutely clear that if someone applies for a position and tries to bully their way in to some kind of leadership/control/creative position because they think they’re the be-all-end-all of film/TV production, they will NOT work on this series. Jaime and I want people working with us who fit in and get along well with the people who have been there since the very beginning. If you’re a lone wolf, prima donna, or a bully, this ain’t the set for you. We’ve worked far too hard and long and put too much into this production to even consider seeing it jeopardized by that crap.

6. Is the production union?

It will be as soon as we file all the paperwork with AFTRA.

7. When will the series air?

For right now, we’ll plead the 5th.

8. THE FIXER website hasn’t been updated in ages – what gives?

We’ve been working on other aspects of the production (like finding investors) and will start doing updates to the website soon. Also, our Facebook “group” will be going away and transitioning to a Facebook “fan page” so be on the lookout for that.

9. Jon, when are the Lawson Vampire books going to be re-released?

Soon. But in the meantime, if you’ve got a publisher you think ought to be bringing them out, feel free to contact them and urge them to do a deal now, before they miss out. 🙂

If you’ve got other questions, feel free to post them in the comments section below! Thanks!

News from Jon F. Merz (Boston Nocturne – Aug. 2009)

Boston Nocturne
News from Jon F. Merz
Writer ~ Producer ~ Ninja
August 2009

Hi everyone! I hope you’re all having an amazing summer! It’s been weird in the northeast – we had lots of rain and now the heat and humidity have finally caught up with us. My boys go back to school in a few weeks and the seasons will turn again shortly. Funny how fast time flies!

First and foremost: I’m doing a book giveaway out on my Facebook fan page at – one lucky winner will get a signed copy of my latest Rogue Angel novel: Footprints. It’s not due in stores until mid-September, but you can win a copy just by being a fan out on Facebook and commenting on the giveaway thread. In Footprints, Annja Creed hunts for the elusive Sasquatch in the Pacific Northwest and, as usual, gets herself embroiled in a ton of other danger along the way.

PARALLAX continues to sell nicely as an ebook, priced at just $1.99 on Amazon for Kindle readers or direct through me as a .pdf via my blog at Interestingly enough, in the last few weeks, I’ve had interest from four producers out in Hollywood in turning the novel into a film. Nothing’s ever definite until the check clears, but I always enjoy speaking with folks in the movie biz. So we’ll see where that goes. I love the attention the book has been getting, especially since New York publishers won’t touch it (despite all the editors who have loved it) because they can’t label it as one genre or another. It would be pretty amusing to see it get picked up for a film and not even have a print deal.

I’m thinking about a new venture and would love to hear from you as to whether it would be something you’d be interested in or not. I don’t want to give away too many details yet, but if you’re interested in hearing about it, drop me a line at and ask. Your feedback is vitally important to this venture, so please don’t hesitate to contact me. The more people I bounce this off of, the better. Some of you have already been contacted about this, so no need to contact me again (unless you didn’t get back to me the first time). Confused? Yeah, me, too. Let’s move on, lol…

By the way, I’m giving away an old very short story of mine called “Rip.” You can get it as either a .pdf or .prc (Kindle) format just by emailing me at You can also check out the silly video I made on Youtube by going here: (make sure you comment and subscribe to my new channel!)

I’ll be yanking The Fixer Files ebook compilation down and will no longer sell this massive half million words compilation of all the Lawson adventures to date. Since I expect to sell the series to a new publisher soon, there’s no need to keep it up. But I will sell it a little while longer. Say, until next week. So if you want all four original novels PLUS the long-awaited 5th (the Kensei) PLUS the novella I wrote for (The Courier) PLUS two short stories all for a measly $9.99, then head out to my blog at and grab a copy before it’s too late. No telling how long it will take NYC to get these things into print.

My website at continues to evolve nicely. Nick, my web guru is handling the work and I’m loving it so far. There’s going to be a LOT of content when we’re finished, so check by often!

Next month we’ll be getting going (finally) on THE FIXER TV series. So there’s going to be a LOT of news around that. We’ll be tweeting from the set and various other places. News will be via my Twitter feed at so make sure you swing by and join the 13,000 other folks who enjoy my various tidbits of tweetdom.

That’s all for now – thanks for reading! Have a great summer!

Best wishes,

FREE Short Story Giveaway by Author Jon F. Merz
Get a free short story simply by sending me an email at with your file format preference (.pdf or .prc)

Nervous Thursday Epilogue

First off and most importantly, I want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who chimed in on Twitter & Facebook with their well wishes and prayers and quick smiles. I’m very privileged to have such a large group of awesome friends who care enough to say a little something or even spend a few moments sending positive vibes our way. Seriously, it’s incredibly humbling to read your tweets and comments and come home to hundreds of emails. You are all amazing and my family and I thank you for your warmth and caring!

Everything went great today. Will was in good spirits and I got a good night’s sleep, which made it easier for me to act like a giant goofball and keep him smiling. My wife was amazing as she always is and we got Will down to the hospital in good time, driving in from outside of Boston.

We knew going in that Will had a fantastic surgeon assigned to him. Dr. Mandel is actually the CEO of Children’s Hospital in Boston and having met the man a few times, he’s absolutely fantastic. His confidence, demeanor, and way with kids is astounding. He’s the kind of guy who makes you feel great just being around him. Definitely a plus.

As we waited, we knew the anesthesiologist would be coming around to visit before the surgery as well. We overheard one of them talking to the family next to us and cringed. Every other word out of her mouth was “pain” and “hurt.” All we could think was, “Please don’t come over here.” When our dude showed up, he was awesome. He totally picked up on the “magic journey” vibe we were using with Will and our silly wisecracks, and in no time had Will laughing and smiling. My wife and I breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Children’s lets one of the parents come into the OR and wait with their child, so I got suited up in my funky hair net, respirator, and coveralls and went in with Will. (And yes, I’ll post the obligatory pic of us in my typically ridiculous fashion) Once we got him on to the bed proper, they got him squared away and put the mask over with the grape smell that he liked. Thirty seconds later, he was out.

That was the toughest moment for me, having to leave him there and walk out of the OR. I knew he was in the best hands possible, but the idea of leaving him behind…yeah, definitely a toughie.

Outside, we waited and about an hour later, Dr. Mandel came out and gave us the good news that everything went perfectly. Again, his demeanor was incredible. Can’t say enough great things about him and his team.

We went in about twenty minutes later and Will was already awake, eating a cherry popsicle. He was a little out of it, naturally, but seemed well enough to request an orange popsicle after that. By about 11:45 we were in the lobby getting ready to hit the road for home. But not before the obligatory gift shop stop where we grabbed him and his brother some balloons, and a few other gifts.

And that’s it. Nothing too serious, but you’ll forgive me if I don’t go into exact detail about what this procedure was for. It’s not germane to the conversation at hand. And I think it’s enough to say that everything went exactly as it should have, much to the relief of his cool, calm mother and his neurotic father, lol…

Once again, thanks to everyone who chimed in. It means the world to me.

Nervous Thursday

So my youngest son goes into the hospital tomorrow and I’m nervous.

Now, this isn’t something serious (thank god), but he does need to go under general anesthesia. I’m not nervous about the procedure itself, because it’s pretty minor. But I’m nervous because this is the first time he’s going to have to deal with being scared of something he’s got to go through. In other words, mom and dad can’t handle it for him.

I’ve often told people that when I was younger, I thought I knew what fear was. I’ve been in plenty of bad situations and have gone through many encounters and met plenty of bad folks along the way that pretty much gave me a fairly good idea of what fear was and how to best handle it. Well, I also tell people that I was wrong to define it only based on myself. Because as soon as I became a parent, fear took on a whole new meaning. Any parent will tell you that there’s nothing quite so scary as suddenly realizing that your children will have to go through their own bad times and face their own forms of evil…without you around to rely on. The best any parent can do is to try to prepare their children as well as they know how and hope for the best.

So tomorrow’s one of “those times.” My wife and I have tried to make it fun for him, but I know that when he wakes up tomorrow and we drive in to Children’s Hospital, the poor little guy will have that gnawing fear in the pit of his stomach. It’s a feeling I know all too well. My little man is going to have to take a deep breath and walk through it.

I’ll be taking my own deep breath as well. Probably a lot of them.