Below you’ll see some of the amazing books written by the talented friends I know in the writing biz. Please be sure to check them out!
Joe Nassise If you don’t know Joe’s work, you’re missing out. He and I started at about the same time in this crazy business and he’s a supremely talented dude. We wrote on the Rogue Angel series together, have co-authored some stuff (HELLstalkers) and even wrote Urban Fantasy before it became an actual genre (along with other folks I know).

Scream of Angels

A Tear In The Sky

Infernal Games

Judgment Day
Willie Meikle I met Willie online and became a huge fan of his work. Willie’s a master at crafting some truly awesome urban fantasy, horror, and even military-horror hybrids. He touches everything from Lovecraftian mythos to giant monsters with worlds in between. And you should definitely check out all of it as soon as you can!

The Green and The Black


The Dunfield Terror


Songs of Dreaming Gods