Build a Bestseller!

We’re coming down to the street date for THE KENSEI and I’m busy ramping up things to make this my most spectacular book launch ever. Seriously, I need to hit this one out of the park, in a big way. THE KENSEI is a very special book to me and I want it to do the best of anything I’ve ever written. To that end, I’m asking you to get involved. if you’ve read my work and enjoyed it, please consider helping spread the word about the book, cajoling friends and family to buy copies, and so on.

Every so often, I’ll be making a post about promotional stuff you can take on to help the effort and BUILD A BESTSELLER.

The first initiative is a flyer campaign. At the left, you’ll see the image of a flyer I’ve drawn up. Nothing special, but it hits some key points. Just click on the picture and you’ll download a .pdf copy of the flyer. Feel free to make as many copies as you want and leave them in mailboxes around your neighborhood, in cubicles at work, on bulletin boards around town, wherever. The goal is to just get the word out about what a great, fun read THE KENSEI is. The more flyers we all get plastered around the country and beyond, the more copies we’ll sell. I’m breaking out a whole arsenal of tactics and this is step one.

I hope you have fun with this – even putting ten flyers around is a great help to me and doesn’t take that much time. Let me know how you make out. And my thanks for helping me BUILD A BESTSELLER!

Welcome to 2011: The Year of Lawson

Happy New Year!

I hope you all had a great holiday season filled with wonderful memories. Now, it’s January and it’s time to get back into the swing of things. For me, this means getting ready to herald the debut of THE KENSEI, my long-awaited 5th Lawson Vampire novel, from St. Martin’s Press. To that end, I’m engaged in a lot of stuff right now. Tons of promotion around this title is coming. This week, I launch my newly-revamped FREE newsletter, BOSTON NOCTURNE – which you should sign up for right now since it’s going to feature a FREE serialized Lawson adventure called MISSION: Malta along with a lot of other really cool content.

Additionally, I’m still working on finishing up THE MADAGASCAR MATTER, so if you’ve subscribed to that, don’t worry – the end is coming and it will be chaotic mayhem, to say the least!

From the publicity plan I’ve laid out, you’ll pretty much be hearing about another review or interview every weekday from January through April. My goal is to sell the holy nuts out of this book and I’m always grateful when others retweet or share my posts. The more people who know about Lawson, the better. Just last night, THE KENSEI got a fantastic review over on RomFan Reviews. Many more of these will be coming. You can also read my first interview of the new year over at The Novel Blog. They’ll be adding a review soon.

Look for added pages out here on the website – including a bunch of freebies you can download. There’s a lot ahead this year – trust me, you’re not going to want to miss it! 🙂

End of the Year Contest

So 2010 is drawing to a close and 2011 looms large with all sorts of awesome craziness bearing down on us all – namely the long-awaited release of my 5th Lawson vampire novel, THE KENSEI. As part of the gazillion things I’m doing for promotion around this title (and Lordy am I doing a LOT of stuff to promote it – check out the schedule late next week here and on Facebook if you don’t believe me…) I’m launching a brand new version of Boston Nocturne complete with graphics, free content, exclusive freebies, and much more. MISSION: MALTA, a brand new Lawson adventure debuts in the first issue of the newsletter next week and will run in serial format throughout the year – 100% FREE just because you guys are the best fans an author could ever hope for.

Anyway, I want to get a TON of subscribers for this newsletter. Thousands, in fact. And I’ve been pimping the hell out of the newsletter. Right now, I’ve got several hundred subscribers.

I want more.

So, here’s the contest part: get all your friends and family to sign up for the newsletter by going here: You can use that link to pass along to your friends. Repost this on facebook, Twitter, any bulletin boards, email it out to your friends and family and colleagues. And then keep track of who among your contacts signs up. I get a notification every time someone new subscribes, so it’s simply a matter of you letting me know who was your referral. Easy, yeah?

Whoever sends the most new subscribers to Boston Nocturne gets the following:

  • 1. A signed ARC of THE KENSEI
  • 2. A signed cover flat of THE KENSEI book
  • 3. A signed copy of the actual book THE KENSEI when I receive my copies in a week or so.

Pretty cool, right?

There’s no time to waste. I’d like as many new subscribers as possible before the first issue of Boston Nocturne ships late next week. Go forth and strong-arm, cajole, persuade, seduce, extort, bribe, sweet-talk, whatever – just get more subscribers for my newsletter and the one who delivers the most wins that cool KENSEI prize pack.

Contest begins now and ends Wednesday, January 5th at 11:59PM.


Custom US Postage Stamps Featuring THE KENSEI

Here’s a cool way to get your holiday mailing done and help spread the word about THE KENSEI’s release in just about six weeks: customized US postage featuring cover art from the book along with a tag line. These are first class 44 cent stamps that you can use on any piece of mail – holiday cards, packages, bill payments, whatever. And if you order today and use the code JINGLESALE46 you get an additional $5 (five bucks) off your order. So one sheet of twenty stamps costs only $13.55. Click on the image to order or GO HERE TO GET STAMPS.

Thanks for helping spread the word about THE KENSEI. January 18th is just around the corner!

Wuz Bin Goin’ On?

I figured I’d come up with a new way of saying “updates,” so the title above is my first stab at it…

Anyway, a few things to talk about. First, the 18th of January will be here before we know it and with it, the long-awaited release of THE KENSEI. So far, I’ve booked 3 signings in January (1 in Cambridge & 1 in Burlington, MA and one in Concord, NH). Expect more to come, although in the course of my conversations with the publicity person at St. Martin’s, signings don’t seem to be the draw they used to be. I find that extremely interesting, since the drive was always to schedule as many as possible. Having done that, however, and not always with fruitful results (the signing down on Cape Cod in 2003 was like watching tumbleweeds blow through the store since that was the day President Dumbass decided to invade Iraq for absolutely no good reason whatsoever, comes to mind…) I can’t say I’m too broken up about the change in things. But I’ll definitely schedule more, probably just not to the extent that I’d planned. Guess we’ll see how it goes.

I’ll be shooting some new author photos this weekend. St. Martin’s needs one for the back of the book. I’m always torn about this type of stuff. I don’t think my smile looks all that good since I have two very sharp and pointy canines that actually make me look like someone who takes the vampire thing WAY too seriously. They’ve always been there, so I normally end up grinning in some sort of fashion. Ah well we’ll see how it goes…

The website for THE FIXER television series and all things Lawson Vampire is coming along incredibly well. Nick, the same genius who created this website, is hard at work and we expect to debut it in another month or two, if not earlier. The snapshots I’ve seen of the work thus far are incredible. Expect a lot of interactivity and a lot of fun. And yes, the TV series is still moving ahead, albeit slowly. “These things take time” has never rung so true as it does when you are literally trying to bring something into being where it never existed before. And operating outside the Hollywood production system is a terrific challenge, but one we are meeting and defeating, I assure you.

My YA series, The Ninja Apprentice, is still circulating among prospective editors in NYC. We’ve had a few rejections from some smaller houses since the flavor of the series wasn’t right for them. We weren’t surprised by this, but figured it didn’t hurt to try them all. I have very high hopes for the series and think that the YA market will really dig it as well. Keep your fingers crossed.

Finally, my friend Ken Richardson is still trying to raise funds for his program to help at-risk kids avoid the lure of drugs and gun violence on urban streets. I’ve pledged to help him as much as I can by donating proceeds from my direct ebook sales to his cause. I’ve tweeted about this quite a bit, but frankly, the response has been pretty awful. The program is just starting up and so far, Ken has sunk a ton of his own money into it. I’d like to help him as much as I can, so if there are any of my ebooks that you don’t have yet, please drop me a line jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net and let me know what you’d like. Once you Paypal the money over, I’ll send you the ebook. A $50 donation gets you everything I currently offer on Amazon in the format of your choice. Otherwise, individual novels are $2.99, novellas are $1.99, and stories are $.99. The Fixer Files is $9.95. I really hop that most of you reading this (actually, I hope ALL of you reading this) will take a moment to help out a great cause. Ken grew up on the incredibly mean streets of Baltimore back when it was the murder capital of the US, and saw his brother gunned down. He’s resolved to do his best to keep other kids from suffering that same fate. Thank you for your support!