Prior to January 2013…
…I’d been “playing” around with CrossFit thanks to my good friend and fellow Ninjutsu practitioner, Rich Borgatti, Jr. who runs Mountain Strength Fitness in Winchester, MA. I made an investment in the equipment and have a fantastic garage gym that has everything I could need to stay in fantastic shape.
What I love about CrossFit is the way it simultaneously humbles and empowers you. Looking at the WOD (workout of the day) can make you apprehensive. “How am I going to do THAT?” But then you get in there, get it done, and at the end, you realize that you’ve just done something truly challenging, “embraced the suck” as it were, and emerged on the other side a better, stronger person. It is awesome.
January 2019 marked my 6-year anniversary since starting CrossFit. These are my 1RMs for the following lifts, which I’m always working to get higher:
Deadlift: 440#
Bench Press: 225#
Back Squat: 325#
Push Press: 215#
Clean: 235#
Strict Press: 155#
Front Squat: 285#
Snatch: 145#