Giveaway #7 Winners + Giveaway #8

Congratulations to Giveaway #7 winners…

Lisa Doherty & Russ Chafe

Lisa wins the pair of amethyst earrings & Russ wins the week of free training at the Boston Martial Arts Center! Thanks so much for participating, both of you! I’ll be in touch with details soon!

and now…

Giveaway #8!!!!

From our friends at Variance Publishing, comes their “mystery pack” of great books! This giveaway you can win the following:

A hardcover edition of THE PRESIDENT’S HENCHMAN by Joseph Flynn and a paperback copy of KRONOS by Jeremy Robinson! And here’s all you have to do to get your hands on these great books:

I’m looking for reviews and ratings…

So, here’s the deal: if you’re a fan of my work (and I certainly hope you are, lol!) head over to one of the following places and rate & review whichever story or novel that you’ve read buy me.

Write a review and rate as many as you’d like and then leave me a comment about which site and story/novel you chose to review in the comments section below. That’s all it takes to be entered for your chance to win those fabulous books from Variance! And if you haven’t read any of the work listed there (gasp!) feel free to grab yourself a copy as well with my grateful thanks!

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Giveaway #6 Winner + Giveaway #7: Jewelry & Ninjutsu

Congratulations to Giveaway #6 winner…

Kent Holloway!

(Kent, I’ll be in touch later tonight or tomorrow to get your info so the good folks at Variance can send your books out!)

By the way, at about 9pm, Brandon Stumpf who stars as Lawson in THE FIXER TV series, will be in the chat room. Don’t miss the chance to ask him questions about the role and how he sees Lawson developing for TV. You won’t be disappointed!

Giveaway #7!!!!

Two winners this next hour – one will get a beautiful pair of handmade amethyst earrings courtesy of my friend Tracy at The Lang Company Jewelry – really nice work and a beautiful pair of earrings. Be sure to check them out for all your jewelry needs!

The other winner this hour will receive a free week of training at The Boston Martial Arts Center in Allston, MA. Chief Instructor Mark Davis – one of my best friends and teacher for the past twenty years of my life – has graciously donated a week’s worth of training that includes a whole bunch of classes. Mark has one of the most diverse backgrounds of any martial artist I know and is one of the world’s preeminent Ninjutsu instructors.

All you have to do to be entered to win is one of the following. And if you’ve already done one on the list at a previous giveaway, just work your way down to the next item! 🙂 Easy! And don’t forget to leave me a comment so I can track everything! Thanks!

  • 1. If you’re on Twitter, type “Free giveaways all day long at Jon F. Merz’s new website #books #ebooks #writer” & then come back here and leave me a comment below so I know you put out the tweet.
  • 2. If you’re on Facebook, type a status update that reads: “Free giveaways all day long at author Jon F. Merz’s new website & join his fan page here on Facebook” & then come back here and post a comment letting me know you did this.
  • 3. Not on Facebook or Twitter? How about putting a link from your website to this one? Once you do, post a comment to let me know what site you’ve linked to mine.
  • 4. No website? Are you on any forums or bulletin boards? If so, start a new thread about the official launch and direct everyone to come here using this link: and then post a comment below letting me know what board you posted to.
  • 5. Not on any boards? Email your friends! Send them a quick email about today’s launch and invite them to swing by – BCC me on it (use the email address jonfmerz AT gmail DOT com) so I can see how many people you told about this site and then chime in with a comment below letting me know what you did.
  • 6. Suggest your Facebook friends become fans of THE FIXER
  • 7. Suggest your Facebook friends become fans of Jon F. Merz
  • 8. Read any blogs, magazines, news sites about books, new media, film/TV? Suggest they interview me and my work!
  • 9. Visit my Youtube Channel and rate & comment on my videos. Subscribe as well!
  • 10. Purchase one of my ebooks on Amazon or Smashwords or iTunes and send me the receipt

Doing any of these will automatically enter you into the fifth giveaway!

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Giveaway #6: More Books!

Our friends at Variance have graciously donated even more wonderful books – think of this as the Advanced Reader package (the books aren’t even out yet!)
You can win trade paperback editions of ANAEDOR by Kristina Schram and a secret book I won’t even tell you about here – you’ve got to win it first! 🙂

By the way, at about 9pm, Brandon Stumpf who stars as Lawson in THE FIXER TV series, will be in the chat room. Don’t miss the chance to ask him questions about the role and how he sees Lawson. You won’t be disappointed!

All you have to do to be entered to win is one of the following. And if you’ve already done one on the list at a previous giveaway, just work your way down to the next item! 🙂 Easy! And don’t forget to leave me a comment so I can track everything! Thanks!

  • 1. If you’re on Twitter, type “Free giveaways all day long at Jon F. Merz’s new website #books #ebooks #writer” & then come back here and leave me a comment below so I know you put out the tweet.
  • 2. If you’re on Facebook, type a status update that reads: “Free giveaways all day long at author Jon F. Merz’s new website & join his fan page here on Facebook” & then come back here and post a comment letting me know you did this.
  • 3. Not on Facebook or Twitter? How about putting a link from your website to this one? Once you do, post a comment to let me know what site you’ve linked to mine.
  • 4. No website? Are you on any forums or bulletin boards? If so, start a new thread about the official launch and direct everyone to come here using this link: and then post a comment below letting me know what board you posted to.
  • 5. Not on any boards? Email your friends! Send them a quick email about today’s launch and invite them to swing by – BCC me on it (use the email address jonfmerz AT gmail DOT com) so I can see how many people you told about this site and then chime in with a comment below letting me know what you did.
  • 6. Suggest your Facebook friends become fans of THE FIXER
  • 7. Suggest your Facebook friends become fans of Jon F. Merz
  • 8. Read any blogs, magazines, news sites about books, new media, film/TV? Suggest they interview me and my work!
  • 9. Visit my Youtube Channel and rate & comment on my videos. Subscribe as well!

Doing any of these will automatically enter you into the fifth giveaway!

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Giveaway #5 Winner!

Congratulations to…

David MacGyver

You win the hardcover of TARGETS OF DECEPTION and the paperback of SUDDEN THREAT! Congratulations and thanks for taking part in the fun!

Next giveaway coming up soon!

Giveaway #5: More Great Books!

Our friends at Variance have graciously donated a few more wonderful books – this time we’ll call it the military thriller package!
Get a hardcover copy of TARGETS OF DECEPTION by Jeffrey Stephens and a paperback copy of SUDDEN THREAT by A. J. Tata

All you have to do to be entered to win is one of the following. And if you’ve already done one on the list at a previous giveaway, just work your way down to the next item! 🙂 Easy! And don’t forget to leave me a comment so I can track everything! Thanks!

  • 1. If you’re on Twitter, type “Free giveaways all day long at Jon F. Merz’s new website #books #ebooks #writer” & then come back here and leave me a comment below so I know you put out the tweet.
  • 2. If you’re on Facebook, type a status update that reads: “Free giveaways all day long at author Jon F. Merz’s new website & join his fan page here on Facebook” & then come back here and post a comment letting me know you did this.
  • 3. Not on Facebook or Twitter? How about putting a link from your website to this one? Once you do, post a comment to let me know what site you’ve linked to mine.
  • 4. No website? Are you on any forums or bulletin boards? If so, start a new thread about the official launch and direct everyone to come here using this link: and then post a comment below letting me know what board you posted to.
  • 5. Not on any boards? Email your friends! Send them a quick email about today’s launch and invite them to swing by – BCC me on it (use the email address jonfmerz AT gmail DOT com) so I can see how many people you told about this site and then chime in with a comment below letting me know what you did.
  • 6. Suggest your Facebook friends become fans of THE FIXER
  • 7. Suggest your Facebook friends become fans of Jon F. Merz
  • 8. Read any blogs, magazines, news sites about books, new media, film/TV? Suggest they interview me and my work!
  • 9. Visit my Youtube Channel and rate & comment on my videos. Subscribe as well!

Doing any of these will automatically enter you into the fifth giveaway!

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