Oh, this is a good one! First up: we’ve got a great training package from my great friend Ken Savage at The Winchendon Martial Arts Center in Winchendon, MA. How do four private lessons sound with a master ninjutsu instructor? Ken will teach you over the course of four one-hour private lessons, the fundamentals of using the bo (staff) or ken (sword) at his dojo. Included in this package are a training tool (either the bo or the wooden sword) and an instructional booklet. Ken is a phenomenal teacher and a very close friend of mine. I’ve learned a ton from him over the years.
But that’s not all! My friend author Mike Oliveri is offering a free & signed copy of his werewolf graphic novel THE PACK: Winter Kill, from Evil Eye Books. The book has been getting rave reviews and you should definitely check it out!
- 1. If you’re on Twitter, type “Free giveaways all day long at Jon F. Merz’s new website http://bit.ly/dnwKoF #books #ebooks #writer” & then come back here and leave me a comment below so I know you put out the tweet.
- 2. If you’re on Facebook, type a status update that reads: “Free giveaways all day long at author Jon F. Merz’s new website http://bit.ly/dnwKoF & join his fan page here on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/jonfmerzfans” & then come back here and post a comment letting me know you did this.
- 3. Not on Facebook or Twitter? How about putting a link from your website to this one? Once you do, post a comment to let me know what site you’ve linked to mine.
- 4. No website? Are you on any forums or bulletin boards? If so, start a new thread about the official launch and direct everyone to come here using this link: http://bit.ly/dnwKoF and then post a comment below letting me know what board you posted to.
- 5. Not on any boards? Email your friends! Send them a quick email about today’s launch and invite them to swing by – BCC me on it (use the email address jonfmerz AT gmail DOT com) so I can see how many people you told about this site and then chime in with a comment below letting me know what you did.
- 6. If you’ve already suggested all your friends become fans of mine on Facebook, then suggest they also become fans of THE FIXER on Facebook as well!
Doing any of these will automatically enter you into the fourth giveaway! Just be sure to comment below so I know what’s going on. I need to be able to track these efforts at spreading the word about my site and my work. I’ll draw the next winner around 5pm EST!
Have fun!

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