Methods & Goals (or How to Control Your Universe)

Ask anyone what their goals in life are and chances are pretty decent that the vast majority of them will spout off a list of fairly general ideas. “I want to be rich.” “I want to live a long life.” “I want to have a great career.” These are pretty standard, pie-in-the-sky ideals that a lot of us have grown up dreaming about. Usually, these ideals are tacked on to the end of a statement like, “Wouldn’t it be great if one day…?”

The problem with stating goals in such a general way is that the likelihood of them ever actually occurring – of the energy in the universe coordinating itself to bring that goal into reality – is slim to none. One of the reasons why goals stated in such general terms don’t normally come to fruition is because they are too general. They’re not specific enough. Not enough detail. In other words, has the person wishing for these things really devoted a lot of time to what their goal is? Have they figured out exactly what they want?

Look at the differences between the following:

“I want to be rich.” VS. “I want to design a new operating system for Apple computers that will sell millions of copies and thereby make me a billionaire.”

“I want to drop twenty pounds.” VS. “I want to start a new program of walking an hour each day and cutting back on the volume of food I eat, while increasing the amount of water I drink.”

“I want to be a bestselling author.” VS. “I want to write a great new urban fantasy series that my agent will then sell for a lot of money, leading the publisher and book chains to get behind it and sell millions of copies.”

The first goals aren’t really goals at all. Nor are they dreams. They’re only a vague inkling of desire. There’s no energy put into them, so there’s no energy going out into the universe to make them reality.

The second set are indeed goals. They’re detailed. There’s significant thought behind each one. There’s real energy contained within the expression of each one. But each of them also has something else the first set does not have: the beginning of a method.

Methods are absolutely vital for pretty much every aspect of our lives as we know it. But lately, I’ve seen several people advocating an abandonment of method, preferring instead to imply that the goal is the most important thing, and that the method doesn’t matter much at all. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Within the system of martial arts I study – ninjutsu – there is a a subset discipline known as kuji-in which is derived in parts from Mikkyo esoteric Buddhism. During one of the training events held by Stephen K. Hayes he advocated against simply tossing out careless energy into the universe. The example he used was of someone desiring to be rich. So they simply repeat a sort-of mantra over and over again: “I want to be rich.” But there’s no detail, thought, or energy in the desire. So, the universe, being the universe it is, decides one day to have a tree fall on the house of the parents of the person who wishes to be rich. Both parents are killed. Now the inheritance goes to the person wanting to be rich and lo and behold, they are now rich.

“But that’s not what I meant!”

At which point, the universe cocks an eyebrow and says, “Hey, Slim, you said you wanted to be rich. You didn’t say anything about how you wanted to get that cash. So we improvised. It’s not our fault you didn’t know how to spell out your goals so there was a method to them. Deal with it.”

Detailed goals contain a method within them that enables the energy of desire to flow along a proper conduit toward actual achievement and realization of that goal.

Let’s look at this again: “I want to design a new operating system for Apple computers that will sell millions of copies and thereby make me a billionaire.”

Goal: become a billionaire.

Method: STEP 1 – design a new operating system for Apple STEP 2 – Sell or license operating system technology to Apple STEP 3 – Cash paychecks

Each of the above steps has within it its own set of steps, smaller waypoints along the path to success, that must be taken in order for the energy to continue to flow along toward the actualization of this eventual goal. (example: designing a new OS for Apple would inherently mean you would need to first learn how to code for computers, figure out how to then improve existing OS technology, and then code and debug a new OS – among many other smaller steps) Skipping or bypassing any of those steps may well cause the entire goal to derail. At which point, it’s no longer a goal at all. It’s most likely a New Year’s resolution. 🙂

The same thing happens in fighting. You don’t simply become good at martial arts. You have to figure out what style you want to study, how to find a good school, how to put on the uniform, how to figure out stances or kamae, how to move your body, how to coordinate your limbs and motion, how to breathe, how to stay clam under pressure, how the mechanics of striking, grappling, throwing, joint locks, weapon usage, and strategy all work. And again, within each of these steps are subsets of other steps. This is the way it’s always been taught, and for good reason. Students need a proper path – a proven method – in order to acquire skill at what they are studying. Advocating the abandonment of method in favor of the end goal is a recipe for disaster. In fact, it’s also terribly irresponsible for any teacher to espouse as it might well get the student killed.

For sure there are alternative methods to acquiring, say, an outward wrist lock (what, in ninjutsu, is known as omote gyaku) but you don’t simply say, “I’m going to get an omote gyaku” and expect to somehow achieve it without a method. That’s just silly. For beginning students, they learn a basic method for acquiring an omote gyaku – they understand mechanically how the lock works and how to affect it. More senior practitioners understand that they can get that omote gyaku in any number of ways, provided the basic mechanical method is still adhered to. But it doesn’t just happen.

Methods exist in pretty much all aspects of life. Babies don’t suddenly turn into adults. Seasons don’t just change.

And goals don’t just happen, either.

So the next time you think about your goals, ask yourself if you’ve given them enough thought and detail. Are you stating that goal in the best possible way? Is there real thought, information, and energy behind it? Once you’ve stated the goals the way they should be stated, are you then following the method that is inherent in your well-stated goal? Are you taking the steps and substeps that need to be taken in order to keep things moving toward actualization?

And if you’ve got goals that have gone stagnant or died completely, is there a way you can revive them?

Remember that the universe appreciates careful, directed energy a whole lot more than chaotic, unfocused energy. And you have a responsibility to not generate chaos as much as you can avoid doing so. Be careful with your stated intent-make sure you’ve given it the careful thought it requires.

But if you’ve done the work that focused intention deserves, then there is no reason why your goals will not become reality.

Good luck!

NOTE: when I write on topics like this, I prefer to use the term “the universe” as a reflection of my own spiritual inclinations. But feel free to substitute your own for mine. God, Jesus Christ, Allah, Mother Nature, the Buddha, Yahweh, Shiva, Mother Earth, Frank Zappa or whatever all work just as well as the term I’ve chosen. 🙂

New England Warrior Camp 2010 – Recap

This past weekend was the New England Warrior Camp, an annual gathering of ninjutsu practitioners from New England and beyond. My good friend and buyu Ken Savage of the Winchendon Martial Arts Center created the event 13 years ago and each successive year, the Camp gets stronger and stronger, with 3-days of intensive day and night training in rustic conditions meant to take camp-goers out of their comfort zones and encourage them to explore the path we walk in new and exciting ways. It’s truly a fantastic event – and while many others have attempted to copy it – none have succeeded.

For the past 10 or 11 years (can’t recall now), I’ve been honored to teach one of the break-out segments at the Camp and I always try to center my presentation around what I happen to be working on at that particular time. It’s always a fantastic experience to get to work with people I don’t normally train with, see how my training and presentation hold up under the duress of each individual attacker, and see how other practitioners are walking the path.

Friday was a humid, rainy day, and I arrived at the Camp at about 3pm. At the White Lodge (the Camp is held on a Boy Scout reservation), I checked in and immediately saw Ken and Paul. A few other folks were milling around, but the excitement was palpable. It always is. One of the great things about the Camp is the caliber and attitude of camp-goers. Everyone is friendly and outgoing. And while there is plenty of political idiocy running rampant in the Bujinkan as a whole, the Camp never tolerates nor suffers from any such juvenile behavior. In short (as Ken’s motto states), we’re there to “explore, challenge, and develop” our warrior spirit. A humid, rainy day wasn’t about to spoil that.

At one of the open-air pavilions, Ken taught a class from 4-5:30 on Kuki Shinden-ryu Hanbojutsu. It was a great way to kick things off and tons of people arrived in time to take part. Ken took us through some basics on using the hanbo, a 3-foot staff, and we got a chance to loosen up with some cool striking techniques.

At 8pm, Ken officially opened the Camp with a welcome around the big fire at the Chippanyonk fire circle. After going over Camp logistics, each of the instructors got a chance to briefly tell folks who were taking their sessions what to expect from the training. From there, we went out to the Ellis Lands where Mark Davis, the senior teacher at the Camp, taught some great night time techniques. As the rain poured down, the air grew cooler, and the night got even more beautiful. The Camp is a fantastic reminder that the wonders of the universe exist in every moment of every situation – we only need to open ourselves up to their presence in order to see and appreciate them.

After the night training concluded, we went back to our quarters at the Henderson Cabin. Several of us stayed up pretty late talking old times and sharing some pretty funny war stories from our years of being in this art. Billy, Dave, Paul, Dennis, Paul, and myself had some great laughs. Then it was off to bed.

Saturday dawned bright and cool. The rain that had poured down the previous night had vanished, leaving behind intense crystal blue skies. A lot of campers showed up for Ken’s early morning Gyo natural fitness session, which is a great method for improving strength and fitness. After a breakfast served up by the Camp’s cook, Ed – who is just crazy enough to add another colorful dimension to the Camp experience without the need for a strait jacket – we all walked out to the Ellis Lands for Mark’s next segment. The ground, which we expected to be muddy, was prefect for training. We twisted, rolled, and bounced around for several hours.

Lunch came and while the rest of the camp-goers went back for the meal, I hung back at the Ellis Lands going over my presentation notes and preparing a few more props. My good friend Billy came out early since he’d be playing the role of attacker (my uke) for my session. We went through what I’d be presenting and then sat down to wait for everyone to show up. Paul showed up to prep for his session and then Ken came out along with the rest of the campers. Each of us had a spot on the giant field and we broke up into three groups for our breakout sessions.

The focus of my presentation was on development of kinesthetic awareness, broadcasting too much intent to an attacker, and disappearing in the midst of a violent encounter. I had a fun time demonstrating the techniques we’d be playing with. The second hour included both attacker and defender being blindfolded with a practice knife inserted into the mix. Two hours flew by and I then raced back to the dining hall to down some chow since I hadn’t eaten much since breakfast aside from some Twix bars and Gatorade.

After dinner I had a chance to grab a quick shower and a cat nap. After that we headed back to the Chippanyonk for the Saturday night talk around the fire. Traditionally, this is where folks can ask questions of the instructors, and we do a few other cool things as well. Ken also laid out the specifics for the night training exercise. This year’s exercise involved a VIP search-and-rescue followed by escape & evasion through hostile territory. Myself, some of the other instructors, and staff volunteers played referees for the event, and as the cool night grew colder, 90+ campers were sent off on their respective assignments. Complicating the assignment even further, each VIP held an index card. Upon arrival, the search & rescue team would be presented with the index card, which told them that their VIP was injured (broken leg, broken knee, etc. etc.). Search & rescue would then have to figure out how they were going to transport their injured VIP back through enemy territory without being compromised. Needless to say, it was a very tough assignment, but a helluva lot of fun.

The Saturday night exercise ended with folks heading back down for the traditional Spam-fest around the campfire. Each year someone seems to concoct some insanely ridiculous recipe for Spam and something else. In the past, the sandwich concoctions have gotten pretty extreme. Not being a fan of Spam, I opt out. But folks brought cookies and other snacks. This year, most people headed off fairly early to bed. Saturdays usually produce the best sleep at Camp.

Sunday morning, Ken took the campers on a walk up the mountain, using more of his Gyo techniques. The view must have been spectacular! After breakfast, the morning’s breakout sessions were with Dennis Mahoney and Leon Drucker. I had an errand to run and missed the first hour, but got back in time to train with Paul and my friend Mike Zaino for the second. More fun training before lunch.

Mark Davis closed out the Camp with a great afternoon session focusing on using the six-foot (bo) staff in a natural way. Paul and I got a chance to explore some of the material we’ve been studying and had a blast doing so. After the session, Ken officially closed the Camp and folks got their gear and said their good-byes. It was, as it always is, a fantastic time. A lot of campers call the Camp, “Ninja New Year” and use it as a means of setting new goals for themselves as they continue walking this path. Ken hands out blank pieces of wood early on Saturdays and invites people to write down a goal for themselves. At the Saturday night fire, campers are invited to come up to the fire and toss their intention sticks into the flames. There’s nothing spiritual or mystical about it, per se, but it’s always a powerful moment as the flames grow higher from the inclusion of each successive intention stick and I, for one, always enjoy watching it. I know I’ve set many goals for myself at the past Camps, and it helps to remind me that there’s still so much to learn, despite twenty years of study in this style.

2010’s NEWC was a great time and I got to meet some wonderful new people. The strength of this art lies in the fact that it is forever growing and evolving – it’s a “living” martial art, not a stagnant, static one reduced to a finite number of stances and techniques. The strength of the Camp lies in the fact that the people who attend it continue to “live” their own individual martial paths, rather than imagine themselves as masters with nothing left to learn.

My sincere thanks to Ken Savage for creating such a wonderful event & to all who came out to the training this past weekend. I’m already looking forward to next year!


I am extremely happy to report that my YA adventure series, The Ninja Apprentice is now out with editors at major publishing houses. This has been a project I’ve been working on for a number of years and I am thrilled to have it fully realized at long last. My agent, Joe, has been utterly fantastic in helping me improve the book and making sure it was ready to be read by editors. He has now taken the manuscript and sent it forth into the great unknown of editorial acquisitions. I am incredibly excited about this project finding a home – it’s a 9-book series that tells the story of a 14-year old orphan who discovers he is the last descendant of a ninjutsu family that has been battling an evil warlord for centuries. In order to fully realize his place as head of the family, he must recover nine sacred relics that have been stolen and endeavor to attain mastery in the teachings of his martial art as taught to him by the ghost of his great-great-grandfather. It’s going to be interesting to see how this hits!

Also, the ninjutsu training group I started in my town now has a website located HERE!. It’s a simple sort of thing, which is fine. This past Sunday we had a great time working on knife defenses in the dark, cool drizzly night.

The Tour 2011 continues to roll ever forward. I’m booked on roughly 80 blogs between January – the end of April. Exposure for THE KENSEI should be huge. I’ve also got a few other surprises lined up. More on that later on.

Tour 2011 – Sponsored by…

The advance reading copies of THE KENSEI arrived on my doorstep today, which is very cool indeed.

Nice lookin’ books, yeah?

Along with the three boxes of books that showed up on my front stoop, came news today that I can now release details of the first corporate sponsor for my 2011 Tour.

“Sponsor?” some of you may ask. “Authors don’t have sponsors for tours. That’s crazy.”

Why is it crazy?

“Because no one else gets sponsors for their tours.”

To which I will happily say, “Yep, you’re right: authors don’t usually have sponsors.”

But y’know what? Life is too short to play by someone else’s rules. And when I started planning this tour over the summer, I knew I wanted to invite a select group of companies I respect to be a part of it. So I reached out to a few…

With that said, I am exceptionally pleased to announce that Blue Sky Factory has agreed to be one of the sponsors of my 2011 Tour to promote THE KENSEI. Over 700 corporations, like Harvard Medical School, Long John Silver Restaurants, Seiko, Johns Hopkins University, and many others use email marketing with Blue Sky Factory to maximize their email impact. Blue Sky Factory’s solutions are top-notch and I’m using them for all of my email list maintenance and marketing needs – something any author mindful of their career should also be doing.

I look forward to a long relationship with Blue Sky Factory. I’m just beginning to implement a few of their many, many techniques and strategies, but I’ve been blown away so far. So, a warm welcome to the friendly email marketing experts at Blue Sky Factory – my first official corporate sponsor for Tour 2011.

Bujinkan Komugakure Group

I’m very pleased to announce that I have formed a training group in the Metrowest Boston area for Ninjutsu. Called the Bujinkan Komugakure Group, this is NOT a dojo. Members who opt to come and train with me are expected to attend regular classes at another recognized Bujinkan dojo in the Massachusetts area. I will not be testing anyone or otherwise awarding rank in this system. I am simply too busy in other areas to commit to the kind of quality instruction that a full-time dojo can provide a dedicated student. My intent is to focus on enhancement of the basics (kihon) of the system, development of an understanding within group members of WHY they choose to train in this art, and real-world application of techniques in environments that are non-dojo.

Members of Komugakure Group will train mostly outdoors in all weather conditions, and in street attire. We’ll work the basics in all types of environments thereby helping members understand and improve on the vast tools the system affords us. Additionally, some of the training will replicate high-stress situations so that members will have the opportunity to explore how emotional and physiological changes affect their technique. The goal, of course, is for all of us to improve and better understand the art which we study. All of us. While I will lead this training group, I may have guest instructors show up from time-to-time, both Bujinkan and non-Bujinkan, who will provide interesting and educational counterpoints and perspectives to the training. But I’ll be learning as well. All of the teachers in this art that I have been fortunate enough to train with – men I respect immensely – are first and foremost students. They continue to explore, learn, challenge themselves, and evolve – even while they help guide others down the path. I’m still learning as well.

There is a lot of nonsense in the Bujinkan right now. Youtube videos uploaded by people who are clueless (at best) or only interested in self-aggrandizement (at worst) plague this system. Countless Bujinkan practitioners isolate themselves from reality by failing to address real-world situations and opponents in the interest of being seen as a master, the head of a dojo, a supposed expert on history, or some other silliness. All the while, they willfully forget that we study a “martial” art. This art was born on the battlefield; it was developed in response to unbridled aggression and greed, and as such, it is difficult & demanding to study and learn from. A practitioner needs to be honest about his or her motivations for studying. A teacher even more so.

It is my hope that members of the Komugakure Group learn a lot about this art and what it is truly capable of, outside the dojo. It is also my hope that members become better practitioners of this system, and, by being so, help to undo much of the damage that has been wrought by those who would rather pose than train and continue learning.

Training events are sent to group members closer to the actual day, but for now, Sunday nights will be fairly constant. To stay abreast of everything we’re doing, please join us on Facebook by clicking here!

I look forward to the future with you all!

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