Giveaway #2

Having fun yet? Of course we are! Lots of prizes to get to today and here’s our next giveaway…

Bestselling author Joseph Nassise is offering up his critically-acclaimed Templar series (The Heretic, A Scream of Angels, and Tear in the Sky) in ebook form with gorgeous new covers. And this time, FIVE of you will win this great prize.

Here’s all you have to do:

  • 1. Go out to my Facebook Fan Page and on the left hand side under the logo, you’ll see “Suggest to Friends” – click that and invite as many of your friends as possible to join the fan page. Then come back here and leave me a comment that you’ve done it.
  • 2. Not on Facebook? Head on out to my Youtube Channel and rate and comment on my martial art and writing videos as you can. Tag them, share them around with friends and family. Then come back and leave me a comment that you’ve done so.

I’ll announce the next five winners in about an hour! By the way, if you do both of the above, you get entered into the drawing twice! 🙂 Let’s go!

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First Winner Announced!

Congratulations to Dewey Tran!

You’ve won a hardcover of Steve Savile’s thriller SILVER and a paperback of Jeremy Robinson’s ANTARKTOS RISING! Congratulations and thanks for taking part in today’s fun! I’ll email you shortly so I can get your info and then get your books into the mail!

For everyone else…the next giveaway will be announced at 1PM EST! Stay tuned! Plenty more chances to win!

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Giveaway #1

Welcome to the newly-redesigned website! I hope you’ll take a look around, pick up some of my work you may not have read yet and have fun! Under the “Contact” part of the menu, you’ll find the chat room, which will be open all day long. Tonight, we’ll be having Brandon Stumpf, who stars in THE FIXER as Lawson, swing by to answer questions about the series and the role, so please be sure to catch that!

In the meantime, let’s get the first giveaway going! From my good friends at Variance Publishing, we’ll start the day on an apocalyptic note with two great reads from their catalog. How about a hardcover of the new thriller from bestselling author Steve Savile, SILVER – along with a paperback from bestselling author Jeremy Robinson, ANTARKTOS RISING.

Interested? Well, here’s all you have to do:

  • 1. If you’re on Twitter, type “Free giveaways all day long at Jon F. Merz’s new website #books #ebooks #writer” & then come back here and leave me a comment below so I know you put out the tweet.
  • 2. If you’re on Facebook, type a status update that reads: “Free giveaways all day long at author Jon F. Merz’s new website & join his fan page here on Facebook” & then come back here and post a comment letting me know you did this.
  • 3. Not on Facebook or Twitter? How about putting a link from your website to this one? Once you do, post a comment to let me know what site you’ve linked to mine.
  • 4. No website? Are you on any forums or bulletin boards? If so, start a new thread about the official launch and direct everyone to come here using this link: and then post a comment below letting me know what board you posted to.
  • 5. Not on any boards? Email your friends! Send them a quick email about today’s launch and invite them to swing by – BCC me on it (use the email address jonfmerz AT gmail DOT com) so I can see how many people you told about this site and then chime in with a comment below letting me know what you did.

Doing any of these will automatically enter you into the first giveaway! Just be sure to comment below so I know what’s going on. I need to be able to track these efforts at spreading the word about my site and my work. I’ll draw the first name shortly after 12pm noon EST!

Have fun!

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Tomorrow’s Website Launch

So tomorrow is the official launch of the new website. I’ve invited a few friends in the various fields I dabble in to stop by, throw some freebies your way, and maybe even chat with you all. Things kick off at about 10am EST tomorrow. They’ll continue for the remainder of the day (minus about a 2-hour window around midday when I have to take my sons to their dentist appointments).

What’s up for grabs tomorrow?

  • Signed copies of my Rogue Angel novels
  • Signed cover flats from my early Lawson Vampire books
  • Free T-shirts
  • Author Joseph Nassise is donating free ebooks of his bestselling Templar series
  • Author David Niall Wilson is offering special discounts at his Macabre Ink online ebook store
  • Author Scott Nicholson is donating free PDFs of his graphic novel “DIRT”
  • Author Mike Oliveri is donating a signed copy of his graphic novel THE PACK: Winter Kill
  • Mark Davis of the Boston Martial Arts Center Week is donating a week’s worth of Ninjutsu classes
  • Rich Borgatti of Mountain Strength Fitness is donating a free private one-on-one fitness class (if you’re local) or free T-shirt if not local
  • Ken Savage of the Winchendon Martial Arts Center is offering four private lessons in staff fighting (bojutsu) or swordfighting (kenjutsu) with a training weapon and booklet included
  • Dennis Mahoney of Shinobi Martial Arts is contributing a 3-month training package with uniform and introductory private lesson
  • Stan Tremblay and Variance Publishing are donating 3 exclusive book packages of various titles

I’m still lining up more cool stuff for tomorrow. I hope you’ll spread the word about the event – the more people we introduce to my world of writing, TV/film, and Ninjutsu the better!

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Fill Up The FAQ

I have to finish filling up the content out here in preparation for next week’s grand opening party event (giveaways all day!) and the FAQ or Frequently Asked Questions page is in need of, well, some questions…

So here’s your chance to ask any burning questions you have about my work, what I’m up to, my training, background (within reason) or anything else that comes to mind. Leave your questions in the comments section and if I think they’re cool, they get added to the FAQ page along with an answer. You can ask as many questions as you like…


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