First Look: THE FIXER Graphic Novel (Cover)

I’m very happy to release this preliminary sketch of THE FIXER graphic novel cover. It’s going to be an amazing cover, painted by artist Brian McCulloch. Interior art glimpses coming soon. Remember, this may well be your only chance to own this incredible book, so please get your orders in now by using the convenient button below. Cost for this gorgeous trade paperback is $15.95 + $4.00 shipping anywhere in the world. Estimated publication date is October 2010.

Recent Events Round-Up…

So, to recap for the new folks following me on Twitter and Facebook:

1. I have a new deal with St. Martin’s Press for the Lawson Vampire series. Book 5 comes out in Spring 2011 and I’m thrilled to be with a major publisher and awesome editor.
2. A special 3-chapbook series of Lawson missions called DARK OPS will see print in April 2010 from UK publisher Ghostwriter Publications. Pre-orders should be up soon.
3. A Lawson graphic novel is coming in October. Cover art and interiors are being sketched right now. Details when I have ’em…
4. The Lawson e-serial THE MADAGASCAR MATTER is on-going. If you haven’t subscribed yet, use the form below to get in on the fun:

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5. BOSTON NOCTURNE has been redesigned as a 10-page monthly magazine featuring free fiction, non-fiction, reviews, etc. but you need to subscribe by Emailing Me to get your copies.
6. THE FIXER TV series is moving ahead, albeit slowly. More news on the next release date of teaser #2 as soon as I have it.
7. More ROGUE ANGEL novels written by me will be coming out over the next few years.
8. My website is being redesigned again and will debut fairly soon.
9. The first installment from HELLtalkers (co-written with Joe Nassise) is available by going HERE!.
10. Be sure to check out my PublishersMarketplace Page for some exclusive video clips.

Thanks for catching up with me!


Chapter Seven

“Cursed? How the hell is that possible? No one’s been near him since I touched down except for you and me.”

Andrian waved his hand. “I am only repeating what the shaman tells me. I have no idea how anyone would have gotten to him. But there is always the chance that they employed an unusual method to do this.”

I wasn’t sure any of this made sense. I’d heard rumors of magic and all that crap before, but at the Academy, the instructors focused on real world problems rather than the stuff of legends. “Yeah, but wouldn’t a curse have to be done with the person close to Zero? I mean, he was fine until we rolled the Rover. It was after that that he went bonkers.”

Andrian translated for the shaman who clucked her tongue twice and then rattled off a machine gun of Malagasy that I couldn’t even begin to start to translate. Andrian waited until she’d finished and then turned back to me.

“She says that whoever did this knew exactly who they were targeting. Being in the same location is not necessary to exert will over him.”

I looked down at Zero’s body. “So, could this guy we’re running from – Joobah – could he do this?”

Andrian frowned. “He could not back when I knew him much better than I do now. But many, many years have passed since we were close. And anything could have happened in the ensuing time.”

© 2010 by Jon F. Merz All rights re­served

Get the rest of Chapter 7 RIGHT NOW – sign up below!

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Official Announcement at PublishersMarketplace

This finally came out:

“Jon Merz’s THE KENSEI, in which a fixer for the vampire council whose role is to ensure that their race remains hidden, returns from a pair of deadly assignments, beaten and bruised and looking for solace-through-training from a master in ninjutsu; despite his seclusion in a Japanese village his past has found him, to Daniela Rapp at St. Martin’s, for publication in Spring 2011, by Joe Monti at Barry Goldblatt Literary (NA). ”

Very, very happy about this one! Lawson is BACK!

Sometimes You Just Have To Go Dark…

Announcing DARK OPS: Unsanctioned – The Lawson Vampire Missions, a special 3-chapbook set complete with a beautiful slipcase from UK publisher Ghostwriter Publications. In this special set, you’ll read three never-before-seen missions where Lawson is forced to operate off-the-books and without approval from the Council. These are Dark Ops, the kind that can get him killed…but sometimes, you just have no choice.

Book 1: The Cairo Connection brings Lawson to the Middle East at the request of his old mentor Zero to help track down a vampire acting as moneyman for various terror groups. But why hasn’t he been sanctioned by the Council before? A startling revelation means more heat than just the weather in this sizzling foray.

Book 2: A Forced Disappearance pushes Lawson to the edge of his operational ability when he’s asked by the Lycanthrope Elder Belladonna to find her missing protegee Monk. The trail leads Lawson exactly where he least expects it – back to his own people – and more shadowy conspiracy than he can stomach.

Book 3: Canary Trap sees Lawson getting himself declared Rogue in order to flush out a leak within the Fixer service. Now with all active Fixers looking to put a bullet in him, he’s got 24 hours to find the traitor before his former friends find him first.

3 chapbooks all bound with their own gorgeous cover surrounded by the beautiful slipcase seen above. This collection will be published in April 2010 and costs just 4.99 in British pounds, which equals about $7.81 – it’s a great deal and the order page will be going up very soon.