New Stuff Coming Your Way…

I’ll be uploading a few new things to the Amazon Kindle store over the next week or so.

First off, NINJA – the novella written in the vein as Robert E. Howard’s Conan, will be up (I hope) today. I’ll update this post as soon as it goes live. This is the first in what I hope is a new series – authentic ninjutsu mixed with sword & sorcery – what’s not to love?

DANGER-CLOSE – my first Jake Thunder mystery/thriller starring the former USAF specops commando turned paraplegic private eye will also be up shortly.

SHADOW CHASER – this is the novel I wrote right before THE FIXER, years back, and after reading through it, I still think it’s a fun read. An espionage thriller filled with all sorts of intriguing characters, it’s a good time.

I’ll also be uploading a bunch of short stories and two new non-fiction ebooks. But I’m keeping mum on those for right now. More updates as they become available. I hope you enjoy them all!

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Chapter Twelve

The pain echoing around inside my skull dragged me back to consciousness with all the gentleness of a runaway train hitting a watermelon. My eyes popped open, brilliant white light made me scream and wince, and then I vomited all over myself.


I would have wiped my mouth, but my hands were tied behind my back. Instead, I spit the remnants of whatever I’d last had to eat on to the ground and then cleared my throat. “So glad you find this amusing.”

I didn’t get a response and so I opened my eyes again.


Another wave of concussive light poured in and made me groan. “Turn off the fucking light.”

More laughter. “Ain’t no light.”

I eased my eyes open while staring at what I presumed was the ground. This time, I could see he was telling the truth. We were outside, but not in the city any longer. I was sitting cross-legged on the ground in a pool of my own vomit. The stench made my stomach roll again but I bit down and fought back the urge to repeat myself.

“Where am I?”

“High plains, Mr. Lawson.”

I risked a quick look up. Judging by the ebony skin and white smile staring back at me, Joobah’s men must have somehow found Andrian and me and chosen to keep me alive. At least for the time being…

© 2010 by Jon F. Merz All rights re­served

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Friday in the App Store

So a whole slew of my work just went live in the App Store for iPhones & iPads. Here’s the list, which you can go grab at your leisure…just click on the title and you’ll be whisked away to the goodness that is Apple.


In the style of Robert E. Howard, NINJA tells the story of a mythical warrior hero named Ran as he graduates from the ninja school he has been attending for twenty years and begins undertaking all sorts of missions across an alternate Earth. Ran will travel far and wide gathering intelligence, acquiring priceless artifacts, and battling evil wherever he finds it…


Two professional assassins-Jolino, a Mafia hitman and Stahl, a former German terrorist-form a psychic bond that enables them to see into the other’s world. Stahl & Jolino are on a collision course-each running from a past and trying their best to survive the future. But will either one of them emerge alive from the face-to-face showdown on the streets of Boston?


When disgraced ex-FBI agent-turned-Boston-cop Steve Curran finds a corpse with no practical explanation for its death, the nightmares start anew. Convinced the killer is once again haunting him, Curran soon teams up with the sister of the latest victim, and they must confront the very real prospect that the killer is not of this world at all…and is after something far worse than just killing.


For Jake Thunder, a paralyzed ex-specops commando, everyday life is a battle. A hard-boiled, hard-drinking womanizer on one hand, Jake also tries to learn from the wisdom of his Native American past. When a knockout blond demands he figure out who killed her sister, a simple “whodunit” becomes a tangled web of deceit, familial backstabbing and black-market baby-dealing with the Russian Mafia & DIA.


A collection of 29 short stories from Jon F. Merz, spanning the years 1994-2002. A motley assortment of horror, action, crime, and the bizarre, THIS TIME OF NIGHT features many stories not seen since their original publication in the early years of multimedia web publishing, small press magazines, and even a few that have never been seen before at all.


“They called it the slit. And it was the only way Prisoner 392 could see the outside world.” One man’s journey into a hellish prison where escape is truly impossible…a short story by author Jon F. Merz originally published in Borderlands 5 & reprinted in From the Borderlands, it earned him an Honorable Mention in the 2004 edition of the Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror edited by Ellen Datlow.


Chapter Eleven

“You’re lying.”

Hjelm smirked. “And why would I do that?”

“Throw me off the fact that you’re planning something that will adversely affect our entire race.”

Hjelm sighed. “Is that what you really think? That I’m deliberately trying to mislead you?”

“I’d do the same if I was face with a sanction.”

Hjelm nodded. “I’ll grant you that, but in this case, it’s simply not true. The fact is, I was assigned to kill Hitler with the full blessing of the Council.”

“But that doesn’t make any sense. We don’t kill humans unless it’s unavoidable.”

“Or unless it is deemed appropriate action in the best interests of preserving our race.”

I wondered if Andrian was getting bored. I’d been inside for a while. And he hadn’t deigned to show his face as yet. “Was there a direct threat?”

“Did there have to be?” Hjelm yawned once and then interlocked his fingers behind his head. “We saw the way the trend was going in Germany after the first World War. The country was ruined. Emotionally it was a fragile state. Ad when Hitler started making inroads, he came to our attention fairly quickly.”

“So how come he wasn’t taken out immediately?”

“He kept himself very well insulated. It was tough getting accurate intelligence out of his closest circle.”

“So they sent you.”

“Indeed. My mission was to infiltrate his inner cordon. Get close to the man and find out what he had planned. See if things were as bad as the indicators had led us to believe they were.”

“And if they were…”

“Take him out before he had a chance to put any of his plans into action.”

© 2010 by Jon F. Merz All rights re­served

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First Glimpse of THE FIXER Graphic Novel Interior Art

I’m happy to announce that artist Rob Moran of Voodoo Vision Studios has been hired to handle pencils on THE FIXER graphic novel due out in October. Rob did up a quick promo piece at the left featuring a few key elements from part 1 of the story arc. Artist Brian McCullough is also hard at work painting the cover and I fully expect this to be a fantastic book with some truly gorgeous artwork.

Remember, you will need to pre-order this book in order to receive a copy! Right now, there are no plans to offer this through a traditional distributor, so unless you get in on this great book now, you won’t be able to find a copy unless you search the secondary market and don’t mind paying hundreds of dollars for it. You can get it right now for just $19.95 ($14.95 + $5 shipping anywhere in the world) by using the form below.

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