A Variety of Updates…

Lots of stuff happening lately. Here’s a recap:

1. I’ve signed on with a new agent and I’m absolutely thrilled to have him in my corner. Joe Monti at Barry Goldblatt Literary will be representing my work. I’m totally stoked to be with BG Literary. They have a fantastic subrights department, have partnered up with an outstanding film/TV agency, and, for the first time since I started writing – I actually have an agent who reads my work and critiques it! (Yeah, I know – you’d think this would be the norm, but apparently it’s the exception…) After six years in purgatory, I am looking forward to warp-speeding my career ahead. More to come…

2. My official website now has a slick placeholder page and it should hopefully be operational at some point sooner than later. My web guru Nick is amazing at what he does, so please be sure to swing by and check it out.

3. While the ol’ website is being redone, the place to be for all my latest clips, interviews, breaking news, etc. etc. is over at the Facebook Jon F. Merz Fan Page. 1200+ fans and counting. We could use more members, so please join us!

4. I’ve been putting up some stuff on Amazon for Kindle ebook readers. Two novels and two short stories. Head on over and pick ’em up – they’re all very reasonably priced. You can see what’s available by clicking here! I do hope you’ll grab them.

5. I’ve been reading a metric ton of boys’ adventure stuff lately: Anthony Horowitz’s Alex Rider series (which I happen to dig muchly), James Patterson’s Maximum Ride series (which I think sucks mightily and is insulting to the reader on a grand scale), Joseph Delaney’s The Last Apprentice series (gloomy, but very enjoyable) and re-reading John Flanagan’s Ranger Apprentice series (excellent stuff.) I also checked out Jeff Stone’s The Five Ancestors (waaay too preachy and stupidly violent to bother with the second book…ugh) and I’m about to start Rick Riordan’s The Lightning Thief tonight (heard great things, so I’m hopeful). Why so much boys’ stuff? Because my new agent is excited about my own boys’ adventure series and handed me a reading list so I can see what works and (ugh) what doesn’t. Have I mentioned that I happen to love my new agent? Well, he rocks more casbah than the Clash, baby. And that’s sayin’ sumtin.

6. This summer we’ll be finishing up pre-production on THE FIXER as we prepare to drive a boot up the butt of television by launching full production of season one in September. THE FIXER website will be getting an overhaul. We’ll be finalizing casting details and all the formal stuff over the next few months. Lots to do. Lots to write. Lots of world domination ahead.

To sum up: new agent (awesome); new website coming soon (much sweetness); join me on Facebook (all the cool kids do it!); buy my stuff on Amazon (very awesome); lots of reading (mostly awesome); THE FIXER (most assuredly awesome).

Now, if this freakin’ rain would stop and the temp would feel more like summer, I’d be all set.

2 Short Stories Now Available!

Cover art for Prisoner 392I’m going through my backlist and making a lot of it available as ebooks. To kick things off, I’m bringing out two short stories that you can get as a .pdf or purchase them at Amazon. First up is “Prisoner 392,” which originally appeared in Borderlands 5 and later in the mass market edition called FROM THE BORDERLANDS. It also earned an Honorable Mention in the 2004 edition of The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror edited by fiction guru Ellen Datlow. It’s a tale of a horrible prison and the lengths one man will go to escape. You can get it directly from me for just a buck – $1. or you can grab it at Amazon.com for the Kindle.

Cover art for The Brank of KhosadamNext up is “The Brank of Khosadam,” an old-time flavored sitting room story about an adventure in Transylvania to retrieve a relic that goes horribly awry. Also just a buck – $1. or you can grab it at Amazon.com for the Kindle.

Want to grab both of them? Just use the button below to order direct from me and I’ll send you both of these great stories!

I hope you enjoy them!

VICARIOUS Now Available!

Win a signed copy of THE FIXER pilot script! Just grab a copy of VICARIOUS for your chance to win – either direct from me or via Amazon (Kindle readers please forward me a copy of your receipt to jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net) Winner will be announced in 2 weeks!

Cover art for VicariousMy latest supernatural thriller VICARIOUS is now available for the amazing price of just $1.99! If you bought PARALLAX previously, the book is yours for only $1 (a buck!). The following formats will be available: .pdf, .mobi, and .epub (please specify when you order which one you need!)

So, what’s VICARIOUS about? Feast thine eyes upon this:

When disgraced ex-FBI agent-turned-Boston-cop Steve Curran finds a corpse with no practical explanation for death, the nightmares start again. Convinced the serial killer that caused his expulsion from the Bureau is once again haunting him, Curran soon learns his theories are all wrong. When the sister of the latest victim, Lauren Fields, uncovers an old journal detailing the hunt for a creature known only as the Soul Eater, she and Curran must confront the very real prospect that the killer is not of this world at all – and that his motives have little to do with killing, but all to do with something far, far worse.

Scared yet? Did the lights just get a little dim? Did you just move the phone a bit closer to you? Be prepared for an unsettling journey into the darkness.

Order this creepy thriller right now and it will ship immediately. Go on…you know you want it.

For people who have bought PARALLAX: Use the button below to get VICARIOUS for a buck! ($1)

Want to get both VICARIOUS AND PARALLAX? You can! Just $2.99 for both! Use the button below to order!

Both VICARIOUS and PARALLAX are also available at Amazon.com now!

Click here to buy VICARIOUS at Amazon for the Kindle!

Click here to buy PARALLAX at Amazon for the Kindle!

Win a signed copy of THE FIXER pilot script! Just grab a copy of VICARIOUS for your chance to win – either direct from me or via Amazon (Kindle readers please forward me a copy of your receipt to jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net) Winner will be announced in 2 weeks!

Get PARALLAX for $1.99!

After much thought and consultation with other authors, I’ve decided to bring the price of my ebooks down to a ridiculously low amount – just $1.99. From now on, you’ll be able to get novels for this price and short stories for only $0.49 (forty-nine cents). It’s been a very interesting experiment, but the truth is, I was charging too much at $9.99. Live and learn, eh?

For those who paid the $9.99 price and feel overcharged or otherwise upset at the difference in price, I’ll be happy to discuss an equitable resolution with you via email (jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net) so let me know. If you don’t mind in the interest of helping an author out, that’s wonderful of you, too! It’s always been my hope that PARALLAX gives every reader a fantastically fun ride. And with VICARIOUS soon to debut, as well as several short stories, you’re going to have a great time!

If you haven’t bought PARALLAX yet, I hope this will be all the incentive you need to pick up a copy! The contest for a chance to win a trip to the set of THE FIXER is still on-going so your purchase will count toward that! In the meantime: get your copy of PARALLAX now! Here’s what the book is about…

What happens when two professional assassins – one a Mafia hitman and the other a former German terrorist – kill at exactly the same moment in time? For Ernst Stahl and Frank Jolino the result is a psychic bond that slowly blossoms in each man’s mind, enabling them to see into the other’s world. Frank Jolino doesn’t like what he sees, especially when he realizes that Stahl is headed to his home turf of Boston to kill a scientist who may hold the key to solving the world’s deadliest diseases. But for Stahl, there’s no other option. Virtually bankrupt and with his son in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant, he’s got little choice to take the assignment. Jolino has other ideas. On the run from his crime syndicate for refusing to kill his ex-girlfriend-turned-government-informant, Jolino sets a plan in motion that will bring the two men face-to-face and gun-to-gun…with no guarantees either will survive.

PARALLAX: Contest Extended

After much consideration and comments (both public and private) I’ve decided to extend the Parallax contest until we sell 1,000 copies of the book. This will guarantee that someone will win a trip to the set of THE FIXER television series-so we need to sell MORE books!

Thanks to all of you who contacted me-the response was overwhelming and deeply gratifying, especially considering the rave reviews you’ve all given the book. As an author, you all mean the world to me and your feedback has been priceless. Thank you so much.

So, to reiterate the contest details: We’ve already reached the 100-copy level so someone will shortly be getting a copy of Rogue Angel:Sacrifice. And since I’ve lowered the grand prize TV set trip to the 1,000-copy level, I’ll lower the lifetime copy of Jon’s books prize to just 500 copies.

  • 100 copies: Free copy of Rogue Angel: Sacrifice written by me
  • 500 copies: Copies of every book I’ve ever written and will ever write
  • 1,000 copies: A trip to the set of THE FIXER TV series (all expenses paid from anywhere on Earth)

Okay, so get your copy of the book and then tell your friends to do the same. I want this thing to be big and get even bigger than it has been up to this point. I need your help & support to make it happen. So let’s get rockin’!

Order a copy of PARALLAX in the following formats: .pdf, .rtf, .epub, .mobi, and as zipped HTML files. You order that direct from me by clicking the button here (please specify the format you want):

You can also get it for your Kindle right out on Amazon. Click Here to Buy PARALLAX at Amazon.com