So, we’re not too far away from January 2011 when THE KENSEI rolls off the presses from St. Martin’s and lands in bookstores everywhere. As such, I’m starting to put together a massive tour to promote the book.
And I need your help.
I’m looking to do actual signings, blog stops, podcasts, TV, radio, street corners, whatever. Seriously. It’s my intention to make sure THE KENSEI is absolutely everywhere and that’s why I’m starting the plans right now. Want to help? I’m glad you asked. Here’s what I need:
1. Bookstores – do you have a local chain or indie bookstore in your area that you would love to see swing by? Get their contact information (contact name, telephone, address, email) and fire it off to me via email: jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net & feel free to include multiple stops in your area. The more the merrier.
2. Blogs – Do you frequent writerly/bookish-type blogs? Do they do interviews with authors? Then I’m all over it. Same as above: drop me an email with all the contact deets to jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net
3. Podcasts & radio – Same as above. I’ve been on radio many, MANY times before and love talking to folks.
4. TV – Are you pals with Oprah? Let’s get her hooked on Lawson together! I’ve done several local TV spots, so I’m comfortable in front of a camera. And god knows I can talk for hours about any number of bizarre topics.
This tour is all about two things: getting THE KENSEI into readers’ hands and meeting all of you. Old readers, fans, new readers, doesn’t matter – I want to meet you guys and say thanks for your support. So, please drop me a line and let me know where you’d like me to go (um…”to Hell” is not an option, okay? thanks! lol)
Look forward to hearing from you all! Thanks!
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