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So, a real quick blitzkrieg post here…

Upcoming Release Schedule…

With the entire Lawson Vampire backlist selling well on both Amazon and Barnes & Noble, I’ve decided to get a lot of stories, novellas, and novels out into the ebook marketplace. So, to give you a snapshot of what’s ahead, here’s a list of what you can expect between now and next year. The exact schedule is up in the air as I juggle multiple projects, but this should be a fair indicator of about when you can expect things to show up for sale.

THE MADAGASCAR MATTER – This was supposed to be a serialized novella but it’s grown into a full-fledged early novel (meaning pre-Fixer) with Lawson and Zero in Africa. I’m still finishing this up, but I expect it will be out by the end of March.

THE SHEPHERD – Not sure what this is going to be yet. It’s already proving it’s too involved to be a short story, so odds are good this will be a novella. I expect to have this out around April/May.

MISSION: MALTA – A serialized piece for my newsletter, so this will end in December unless it takes on a mind of its own. This will be a short story.

THE CAIRO CONNECTION, CANARY TRAP, A FORCED DISAPPEARANCE – A trio of longer short stories originally supposed to be published by a certain UK chapbook publisher under the banner of DARK OPS. Due to problems with that publisher, I’ll be bringing these out myself. Probably a Fall release.

THE RIPPER – Officially, the 6th novel in the series, it will be out in trade paperback from St. Martin’s next Spring.

Other Lawson projects include two other novels (not releasing the titles yet, but they’re coming) and a few more short stories. Lawson’s world is growing everyday and new fans are getting caught up in the rapture – between the ebooks, print novels, and the TV series, things are going to get crazy. And we still have to get the graphic novel finished at some point as well. Lots of stuff happening so please spread the word about Lawson and his adventures. And if you don’t have an ereader yet for your smartphone, a Kindle, Nook, iPad, or other ereader, you should probably get one soon. 🙂

Need to get caught up on some Lawson adventures you’ve missed?

Go here if you’ve got the Kindle or Kindle app: Lawson on Kindle | Go here if you’ve got a Nook or Nook app or other ereader that handles epub files. Lawson on Nook

Additionally, I will be working on the first NINJA novel, the sword & sorcery epic starring Ran, a recent ninja school graduate. I’ve gotten a number of emails lately asking when that will be available, so I’ll be working on that. I also have to do revisions on my boys adventure series THE NINJA APPRENTICE. Busy times ahead, but good fun – lots coming at you! 🙂

Spend Valentine’s Day with Lawson in Vienna

What are you doing this Valentine’s Day? If you’ve got a Kindle or a Nook or a smartphone with either app installed, you can spend it with Lawson back in 1987 in Vienna. SLAVE TO LOVE is a special novella that I’ve just released.

In it, Lawson must travel to Vienna to recover an ancient artifact, but ends up finding a little more than he bargained for when he meets the alluring Liesel. From the Grand Hotel Wien to the forested banks of the Danube, the action and heat are non-stop. Grab this special novella today!

Get it at | Get it at Barnes &

Joe Konrath Makes $20,000 Each Month Selling Ebooks…

…and I don’t.

I’ve blogged about this before. How a lot of people – professional, traditionally published authors and indie publishing phenoms – are saying that traditional publishing is dead, that the ebook revolution is here and this new model of doing business is all any writer needs to succeed in the 21st century. No longer do aspiring writers need to wait for the “gatekeepers” of traditional publishing to anoint them as worthy of a traditional deal. Some of them have even go so far as to state publicly that taking a traditional deal in this day and age is “stupid.”

I’m the first person to agree that traditional publishing has a lot of faults. I’ve seen firsthand examples of editorial idiocy, marketing departments shooting down promising novels only to have them become bestsellers, and a business model so out of whack, it’s crazy.

But here’s the thing: traditional publishing actually has a business model (in desperate need of overhaul, though it may be!) The ebook “revolution” does not yet have a business model; or at least not one that seems to be working for all writers. Certainly some, like Joe Konrath and Amanda Hocking are making thousands upon thousands of dollars each month, but the vast majority of ebook writers are not. So when I see these rallying cries to abandon traditional publishing, I have to wonder who it benefits more: the would-be writer or the ebook writers already making money hand-over-fist?

Next week some time, Joe Konrath will post a guest post from me on his blog, explaining my own failures at ebook publishing. He will then take one of my novels and point out exactly what he thinks I’m doing wrong. I’ll then implement changes and a few months down the road, I’ll post again and let everyone know what my sales have been like since I made the advised changes.

In the meantime, I’ve gone ahead and uploaded my entire Lawson Vampire backlist to the Kindle. It will also be available on the Nook in the coming days (just need to sort out the formatting). I’ve had a series of brand new covers designed that I think are outstanding (and cover design is one of the key tenets that Konrath advocates) and once Amazon can manage to get my descriptions out there, I’ll be eager to see how well they all sell. Will I sell thousands of copies each month? Will these ebooks make me more money than what I’ve cumulatively made in traditional publishing? I’m not some stubborn holdout against change, by any means. If these books sell like wildfire, I’ll gladly change my opinion on the power of the “revolution.” But until such time as they do, I’ll keep one hand in the traditional publishing pool.

Take a look at the list of what I have out right now from my Lawson Vampire series – three more stories should finish processing today, but for now, Here’s the list!

The Lawson Vampire Series on Kindle

I’m happy to report that the first three Lawson vampire novels are now available for download in’s Kindle store (THE SYNDICATE is still processing). Simply click the thumbnails below to order them. By tomorrow, you’ll be able to read the first five novels on your Kindle (although I hope you’ll pick up a paperback copy of THE KENSEI since I really need your help selling that print run out – if you want more Lawson!)