Here’s a look at the cover art for the exclusive Lawson Vampire e-story DEAD DROP, to be published by St. Martin’s in advance of THE KENSEI’s debut in January. You’ll be able to get this story for FREE just by signing up for the download. I’ll post complete details as soon as I have them.

I am currently writing this story – it’s never been seen before, which makes it a nice extra for fans of the series. Let me know your thoughts below and be sure to visit THE KENSEI’s official page at the St. Martin’s website and share it around everywhere.

The more buzz we create, the more likely we’ll see some more Lawson Vampire novels in the near future, so please share, retweet, graffiti, tattoo, smoke signal, whatever to help spread the word! Thanks!

Booklist Reviews THE KENSEI

Industry trade BOOKLIST weighs in on THE KENSEI with this nice review:

After several years, Merz offers a new novel (following Syndicate, 2003) starring vampire secret agent Lawson. This time, Lawson is in Japan on vacation. But trouble arrives almost immediately—on the train from the airport—when an assassin tries to take down a young Japanese man and his girlfriend. Lawson’s interference is more than just annoying, as the assassin he kills was a member of the local yakuza, the Kensei, and now the mob wants vengeance. When Lawson’s former KGB agent girlfriend arrives with troubles of her own, his vacation is no longer the least bit relaxing. All this sounds like the set-up for a typical action adventure or espionage novel, but, of course, Lawson is a vampire who works for the vampire governing council, specializing in keeping vampires secret and fixing their problems. Other than being crazy strong and very quick to heal (excellent attributes for a secret agent), Lawson is more like Jason Bourne than Dracula, making this a vampire mystery with broad appeal.

Also, St. Martin’s will be releasing an exclusive never-before-seen Lawson Vampire e-story called DEAD DROP in advance of THE KENSEI’s release. Cover art will be coming soon.

And finally, take a moment to head over here to St. Martin’s official page for the book. Your click helps show the publisher that a lot of folks are interested in the series! Thanks!

Wuz Bin Goin’ On?

I figured I’d come up with a new way of saying “updates,” so the title above is my first stab at it…

Anyway, a few things to talk about. First, the 18th of January will be here before we know it and with it, the long-awaited release of THE KENSEI. So far, I’ve booked 3 signings in January (1 in Cambridge & 1 in Burlington, MA and one in Concord, NH). Expect more to come, although in the course of my conversations with the publicity person at St. Martin’s, signings don’t seem to be the draw they used to be. I find that extremely interesting, since the drive was always to schedule as many as possible. Having done that, however, and not always with fruitful results (the signing down on Cape Cod in 2003 was like watching tumbleweeds blow through the store since that was the day President Dumbass decided to invade Iraq for absolutely no good reason whatsoever, comes to mind…) I can’t say I’m too broken up about the change in things. But I’ll definitely schedule more, probably just not to the extent that I’d planned. Guess we’ll see how it goes.

I’ll be shooting some new author photos this weekend. St. Martin’s needs one for the back of the book. I’m always torn about this type of stuff. I don’t think my smile looks all that good since I have two very sharp and pointy canines that actually make me look like someone who takes the vampire thing WAY too seriously. They’ve always been there, so I normally end up grinning in some sort of fashion. Ah well we’ll see how it goes…

The website for THE FIXER television series and all things Lawson Vampire is coming along incredibly well. Nick, the same genius who created this website, is hard at work and we expect to debut it in another month or two, if not earlier. The snapshots I’ve seen of the work thus far are incredible. Expect a lot of interactivity and a lot of fun. And yes, the TV series is still moving ahead, albeit slowly. “These things take time” has never rung so true as it does when you are literally trying to bring something into being where it never existed before. And operating outside the Hollywood production system is a terrific challenge, but one we are meeting and defeating, I assure you.

My YA series, The Ninja Apprentice, is still circulating among prospective editors in NYC. We’ve had a few rejections from some smaller houses since the flavor of the series wasn’t right for them. We weren’t surprised by this, but figured it didn’t hurt to try them all. I have very high hopes for the series and think that the YA market will really dig it as well. Keep your fingers crossed.

Finally, my friend Ken Richardson is still trying to raise funds for his program to help at-risk kids avoid the lure of drugs and gun violence on urban streets. I’ve pledged to help him as much as I can by donating proceeds from my direct ebook sales to his cause. I’ve tweeted about this quite a bit, but frankly, the response has been pretty awful. The program is just starting up and so far, Ken has sunk a ton of his own money into it. I’d like to help him as much as I can, so if there are any of my ebooks that you don’t have yet, please drop me a line jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net and let me know what you’d like. Once you Paypal the money over, I’ll send you the ebook. A $50 donation gets you everything I currently offer on Amazon in the format of your choice. Otherwise, individual novels are $2.99, novellas are $1.99, and stories are $.99. The Fixer Files is $9.95. I really hop that most of you reading this (actually, I hope ALL of you reading this) will take a moment to help out a great cause. Ken grew up on the incredibly mean streets of Baltimore back when it was the murder capital of the US, and saw his brother gunned down. He’s resolved to do his best to keep other kids from suffering that same fate. Thank you for your support!

Tour 2011 – Sponsored by…

The advance reading copies of THE KENSEI arrived on my doorstep today, which is very cool indeed.

Nice lookin’ books, yeah?

Along with the three boxes of books that showed up on my front stoop, came news today that I can now release details of the first corporate sponsor for my 2011 Tour.

“Sponsor?” some of you may ask. “Authors don’t have sponsors for tours. That’s crazy.”

Why is it crazy?

“Because no one else gets sponsors for their tours.”

To which I will happily say, “Yep, you’re right: authors don’t usually have sponsors.”

But y’know what? Life is too short to play by someone else’s rules. And when I started planning this tour over the summer, I knew I wanted to invite a select group of companies I respect to be a part of it. So I reached out to a few…

With that said, I am exceptionally pleased to announce that Blue Sky Factory has agreed to be one of the sponsors of my 2011 Tour to promote THE KENSEI. Over 700 corporations, like Harvard Medical School, Long John Silver Restaurants, Seiko, Johns Hopkins University, and many others use email marketing with Blue Sky Factory to maximize their email impact. Blue Sky Factory’s solutions are top-notch and I’m using them for all of my email list maintenance and marketing needs – something any author mindful of their career should also be doing.

I look forward to a long relationship with Blue Sky Factory. I’m just beginning to implement a few of their many, many techniques and strategies, but I’ve been blown away so far. So, a warm welcome to the friendly email marketing experts at Blue Sky Factory – my first official corporate sponsor for Tour 2011.

TOUR 2011 – Laying The Foundation

So, we’re not too far away from January 2011 when THE KENSEI rolls off the presses from St. Martin’s and lands in bookstores everywhere. As such, I’m starting to put together a massive tour to promote the book.

And I need your help.

I’m looking to do actual signings, blog stops, podcasts, TV, radio, street corners, whatever. Seriously. It’s my intention to make sure THE KENSEI is absolutely everywhere and that’s why I’m starting the plans right now. Want to help? I’m glad you asked. Here’s what I need:

1. Bookstores – do you have a local chain or indie bookstore in your area that you would love to see swing by? Get their contact information (contact name, telephone, address, email) and fire it off to me via email: jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net & feel free to include multiple stops in your area. The more the merrier.

2. Blogs – Do you frequent writerly/bookish-type blogs? Do they do interviews with authors? Then I’m all over it. Same as above: drop me an email with all the contact deets to jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net

3. Podcasts & radio – Same as above. I’ve been on radio many, MANY times before and love talking to folks.

4. TV – Are you pals with Oprah? Let’s get her hooked on Lawson together! I’ve done several local TV spots, so I’m comfortable in front of a camera. And god knows I can talk for hours about any number of bizarre topics.

This tour is all about two things: getting THE KENSEI into readers’ hands and meeting all of you. Old readers, fans, new readers, doesn’t matter – I want to meet you guys and say thanks for your support. So, please drop me a line and let me know where you’d like me to go (um…”to Hell” is not an option, okay? thanks! lol)

Look forward to hearing from you all! Thanks!

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