DANGER-CLOSE Available Again!

Originally published in hardcover in 2004, I’m happy to report that DANGER-CLOSE is now available as an ebook for the first time!

For Jake Thunder, a paralyzed ex-US Air Force special operations commando, everyday life is a battle. A hard-boiled, hard-drinking womanizer on one hand, Jake also tries to learn from the wisdom of his Native American past while trying to revive his dead legs through holistic acupuncture treatments. When a knockout blonde strides into his office and demands he figure out who killed her sister, he doesn’t dare refuse – especially after he gets a good view of her legs. But a simple “whodunit” soon becomes a tangled web of deceit, familial backstabbing and black-market baby dealing involving everyone from the Russian Mafia to the Defense Intelligence Agency – all of them gunning for Jake!

“…lickety-split narrative manages to be both gritty and cheeky…[with] an effective surprise twist.” –The Kirkus Review (October 2004)

Available in 2 ebook formats: .pdf or .prc (Kindle) – please specifiy when ordering


Here’s the cover art for THE FIXER FILES, the special ebook compilation of all of Lawson’s adventures to date:

THE COURIER (novella)
RED TIDE (short story)

All for just $9.99.

THE EBOOK IS NOW SHIPPING – YOU WILL GET AN EMAIL WITH THE EBOOK AS AN ATTACHMENT ONCE YOUR ORDER IS PROCESSED! Only two formats will be made available: .pdf and .prc (which works with Amazon Kindle) – be sure to specify when you place your order.

2 Short Stories Now Available!

Cover art for Prisoner 392I’m going through my backlist and making a lot of it available as ebooks. To kick things off, I’m bringing out two short stories that you can get as a .pdf or purchase them at Amazon. First up is “Prisoner 392,” which originally appeared in Borderlands 5 and later in the mass market edition called FROM THE BORDERLANDS. It also earned an Honorable Mention in the 2004 edition of The Year’s Best Fantasy & Horror edited by fiction guru Ellen Datlow. It’s a tale of a horrible prison and the lengths one man will go to escape. You can get it directly from me for just a buck – $1. or you can grab it at Amazon.com for the Kindle.

Cover art for The Brank of KhosadamNext up is “The Brank of Khosadam,” an old-time flavored sitting room story about an adventure in Transylvania to retrieve a relic that goes horribly awry. Also just a buck – $1. or you can grab it at Amazon.com for the Kindle.

Want to grab both of them? Just use the button below to order direct from me and I’ll send you both of these great stories!

I hope you enjoy them!

VICARIOUS Now Available!

Win a signed copy of THE FIXER pilot script! Just grab a copy of VICARIOUS for your chance to win – either direct from me or via Amazon (Kindle readers please forward me a copy of your receipt to jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net) Winner will be announced in 2 weeks!

Cover art for VicariousMy latest supernatural thriller VICARIOUS is now available for the amazing price of just $1.99! If you bought PARALLAX previously, the book is yours for only $1 (a buck!). The following formats will be available: .pdf, .mobi, and .epub (please specify when you order which one you need!)

So, what’s VICARIOUS about? Feast thine eyes upon this:

When disgraced ex-FBI agent-turned-Boston-cop Steve Curran finds a corpse with no practical explanation for death, the nightmares start again. Convinced the serial killer that caused his expulsion from the Bureau is once again haunting him, Curran soon learns his theories are all wrong. When the sister of the latest victim, Lauren Fields, uncovers an old journal detailing the hunt for a creature known only as the Soul Eater, she and Curran must confront the very real prospect that the killer is not of this world at all – and that his motives have little to do with killing, but all to do with something far, far worse.

Scared yet? Did the lights just get a little dim? Did you just move the phone a bit closer to you? Be prepared for an unsettling journey into the darkness.

Order this creepy thriller right now and it will ship immediately. Go on…you know you want it.

For people who have bought PARALLAX: Use the button below to get VICARIOUS for a buck! ($1)

Want to get both VICARIOUS AND PARALLAX? You can! Just $2.99 for both! Use the button below to order!

Both VICARIOUS and PARALLAX are also available at Amazon.com now!

Click here to buy VICARIOUS at Amazon for the Kindle!

Click here to buy PARALLAX at Amazon for the Kindle!

Win a signed copy of THE FIXER pilot script! Just grab a copy of VICARIOUS for your chance to win – either direct from me or via Amazon (Kindle readers please forward me a copy of your receipt to jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net) Winner will be announced in 2 weeks!

The Importance of Memorial Day

Here in Boston right now we’ve got an absolutely gorgeous day warming outside. Sun’s bright. There’s a nice dry heat with no humidity out there and it feels like an early summer. Without a cloud in the sky, it’s easy to imagine you’re in the midst of paradise. All over our country right now, people are excited about leaving work early, maybe cranking the grill and enjoying the unofficial start of summer.

And I’m right there with them. I love a nice long weekend. I love the idea of sleeping in and catching up with friends and family. Fifteen years ago, I got married on Memorial Day weekend and every year I get to be with my wife is time spent in no better fashion.

But I also love Memorial Day for what it is truly about: thanking those brave warriors who have laid down their lives in service of our country.

We’re not unique in observing a holiday like this; most countries have a day set aside to honor those who have paid the ultimate price. But far too often, the importance of Memorial Day is overshadowed by car sales, shopping, and early release from work. Too few remember who this holiday is really for. Too few understand the sacrifice. Too few know what it is like to walk in the boots of those who have braved far greater strife in seconds than most will ever encounter in an entire lifetime.

And too many mock the holiday itself with idle commentary and insipid attempts at humor. Usually this comes from cowards who don’t possess even a fraction of the courage it takes to serve or the intelligence to understand what it means to face death.

Whether you support the wars being waged right now is irrelevant. Whether you voted for Obama or McCain is irrelevant. Whatever party you belong to is irrelevant. What is most important about Memorial Day is understanding that without the sacrifice of so many brave men and women in uniform, we would not have the nation we have today. Memorial Day is a time to pause – no matter how momentary – and give thanks to those souls who have known the roar of explosions, the sound of gunfire, the pounding of heart and lungs, the urge to throw up, urinate and defecate simultaneously, the sting of sweat, and the smells of blood and too many far less pleasant things, and the rush of tunnel vision, shouting, screaming, crying, praying – who have kept going, kept advancing, kept fighting because that’s what they were: soldiers, marines, sailors, airmen – dedicated to a country they loved, duty-bound to defend and fight for her ideals, and honor-bound to protect those who served beside them.

When you enjoy the weekend, no matter how you choose to celebrate, take a little time away from the fun and festivities and remember those who have fallen, those who are no longer with us, those whose families feel the pain of their absence – and say thank you. The flags that wave in the breeze or stand in silent homage at cemeteries are there to remind us of the citizens who have answered the call, endured much, and fallen in distant lands and closer backyards. Without their sacrifice, our nation would be a far different land. With their sacrifice, we all enjoy more than most. And it’s a place we call home-flawed yes, but a wonder still-even for the cowards who may never understand the true significance of such a day.

In honor of those who have gone before, in remembrance of those who have braved the crucible of combat…Happy Memorial Day.