Official Announcement at PublishersMarketplace

This finally came out:

“Jon Merz’s THE KENSEI, in which a fixer for the vampire council whose role is to ensure that their race remains hidden, returns from a pair of deadly assignments, beaten and bruised and looking for solace-through-training from a master in ninjutsu; despite his seclusion in a Japanese village his past has found him, to Daniela Rapp at St. Martin’s, for publication in Spring 2011, by Joe Monti at Barry Goldblatt Literary (NA). ”

Very, very happy about this one! Lawson is BACK!


You might recall a few months back I asked a lot of you what you’d think about an idea I had to develop what was basically a Jon F. Merz magazine – something much more than just a newsletter, with free fiction, reviews, non-fiction, and more in it. Based on your responses, I’ve decided to reformat my official newsletter BOSTON NOCTURNE and turn it into a newsletter/magazine very much along the prototype I asked you all about.

Tomorrow, issue 1 – the February 2010 edition – launches.

BOSTON NOCTURNE is free. Free fiction. Free reviews. Free opinion. Free practical safety tips. And free much more. Imagine an innovative experience unlike any other author newsletter and you get BOSTON NOCTURNE. It will be published monthly and delivered straight to your email, hassle-free.

The only way to get it: send me an email. That’s it. Quick, simple, easy, and best of all – free.

One more thing: if you’re already subscribed to my original newsletter from way, waaaaay back, you don’t need to resubscribe. I’ll import your email address from that list and get you going right away. But if your address has changed or if you haven’t gotten any recent updates, you’ll definitely want to send a new email to receive BOSTON NOCTURNE.

Lifetime Subscription Opportunity

So here’s a crazy little idea I’ve been sitting on for a while. I know of one other author who has done this and he seemed to have a good time with it, so I thought I’d offer it as well. So here’s the poop: I’m offering my readers 25 lifetime subscriptions. For a one-time fee of $500, you will receive 1 (one) copy of each and every mass market paperback, trade paperback, trade hardcover, cover flat, comic book or graphic novel that I publish – under my own name or any pseudonym – beginning with March’s publication of ROGUE ANGEL: Sacred Ground and continuing until the time I die or you die (whichever happens first). Copies will come flat-signed or personalized to you (whichever you prefer). Shipping costs are covered in the one-time fee.

This offer DOES NOT include limited edition hardcovers, lettered editions, foreign editions, DVDs, audio-books or other miscellany. It is applicable only to US trade editions.

There are no international restrictions. Offer is open to anyone.

These lifetime subscriptions are limited to 25 people only, and are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Payment must be rendered in full for the agreement to apply. In the interest of fairness to all, payment installments cannot be accepted. I have no way of knowing if this will work, but I like the idea and thought it would be good to see if anyone else thinks it is also. Only 25 lifetime subscriptions to my work from now until the time I shuffle off this mortal coil. You can use the Paypal button below to order or if you’d prefer to send a money order, email me at jonfmerz AT verizon DOT net and I’ll pass along mailing instructions.

Update: Here are a partial list of just some of the books that will be coming out over the next year…

THE FIXER: My Soul to Keep (working title) – Graphic Novel
THE KENSEI: Book 5 of the Lawson Vampire Series – Trade Paperback
ROGUE ANGEL: Sacred Ground – Mass Market Paperback
THE FIXER: Book 1 of the Lawson Vampire Series – Trade Paperback
THE INVOKER: Book 2 of the Lawson Vampire Series – Trade Paperback
THE DESTRUCTOR: Book 3 of the Lawson Vampire Series – Trade Paperback
THE SYNDICATE: Book 4 of the Lawson Vampire Series – Trade Paperback
ROGUE ANGEL: Megaladon – Mass Market Paperback
ROGUE ANGEL: Shangri-La – Mass Market Paperback
THE MADAGASCAR MATTER: A Lawson Vampire E-Serial
MISSION: MALTA: A Lawson Vampire Mini-Mission Collection

Beyond that, there are a several other series due out, as well as more story collections and a variety of other cool stuff. Don’t wait – we’re already selling subscriptions and once the 25 are gone, I may not offer this again!

Christmas Round-Up

I hope you all had a truly wonderful holiday – mine was very nice indeed. It was an official “white” Christmas around here with several inches of the flaky stuff sitting on the ground to add to the festive mood. With the lights on at night, things looked quite nice. Christmas Eve was spent in Lowell at my sister’s house for the traditional Italian feast. This year it was gnocchi and homemade meatballs with the family’s secret sauce recipe. Great stuff. The smell of homemade pasta and sauce is one I never get tired of, since growing up it was omnipresent at my grandmother’s house whenever we would visit. Christmas Day, the family and I flew to Zurich and then drove to our chalet in the Swiss Alps where we overindulged in goose and lots of other goodies. You can see the pictures over on my Facebook Page.

Actually we weren’t in Switzerland; we were in Marshfield, but my sister-in-law’s house looks like a chalet and the backdrop really added to the vibe, lol…

We did have a very nice time, however, and I got to spent more time with my god-daughter Kiley, who is pretty much the most preciously adorable bundle of joy on the planet.

2009 is winding down now, and in its wake the remnants of an up-and-down year disappear slowly under the waves. I don’t ever spend much time looking back and wishing that certain things were different. To me, that’s a bit of a waste of time. I prefer to focus ahead at the prow cutting through the waves, figure out what it is that I want to accomplish in the new year and then steer the ship so that I meet the challenges head-on. I don’t usually indulge in any “best of” lists or spend time thinking of the “top ten things I wish my genitalia had done in 2009” because I’m too busy looking toward the future I want to create and figuring out how to implement steps necessary NOW to make it happen. So I hope you’ll forgive me if I don’t digress and waste your time with yet another list. 🙂

So what IS on the horizon for 2010? Lots, baby. Lots.

January kicks off with a bang. The Madagascar Matter, a new serialized Lawson Vampire adventure, debuts in the first week of the new year and delivers a chapter each week over the course of 2010. It’s by subscription only, however, which means you’ll have to sign up in order to travel back in time with Lawson and his former mentor Zero to the early 1980s in Africa. You can do so by clicking the order form below:

File Format

Otherwise, there will be much more Lawson Vampire news. THE FIXER is coming, of course, and with it, a lot of other Lawson goodness. HELLstalkers is also finally getting ready to launch, so Joe Nassise and I will have mucho news on that front as well. As usual, I’m extremely optimistic about the coming twelve months. Life is exciting, unpredictable, and glorious. I hope you all take the time to revel in the fact that we’re all hurtling through the universe together and that each of us has the power to make our own lives an example of goodness, generosity, compassion, and bold action. The world has too many lazy, cheap, selfish, negative “people” only out for themselves, forsaking family and stranger alike as they trundle through life never truly experiencing joy, only the illusion of supposed personal gain acquired at the expense of those who used to love them.

Don’t be like that.

Take this time to reflect and imagine how you can turn 2010 into a year of adventure, action, and unbridled enthusiasm for everything that life has to offer. Banish complacency and laziness from your world.

Who Dares Wins.

THE FIXER – Teaser One

New Ronin Entertainment is pleased to release the very first teaser for THE FIXER television series in full 1080p HD. We’ll be releasing a number of teaser/trailers – each one designed to reveal a little bit more of the story and universe that Lawson inhabits. Look for hidden clues, info tidbits, and hints about character arcs and more. Please share this with your friends and family- the more exposure we have, the better! Thank you! (Here’s the direct link:

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