THE FIXER Graphic Novel Cover Art Revealed

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Artist Brian McCulloch has delivered the final painting for THE FIXER graphic novel cover and it’s fantastic stuff! I especially admire how well he was able to capture actor Brandon Stumpf and the background of Vienna (where the first part of the story takes place). This is going to be a gorgeous book and Brian’s skill definitely adds a great deal to its worth. If you haven’t ordered the book yet, you need to now. Don’t wait because these will go quickly once it’s done. Right now, there are no plans to offer this through a traditional distributor, so unless you get in on this great book now, you won’t be able to find a copy unless you search the secondary market and don’t mind paying hundreds of dollars for it. You can get it right now for just $19.95 ($14.95 + $5 shipping anywhere in the world) by using the form below.

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Giveaway #5 Winner!

Congratulations to…

David MacGyver

You win the hardcover of TARGETS OF DECEPTION and the paperback of SUDDEN THREAT! Congratulations and thanks for taking part in the fun!

Next giveaway coming up soon!

First Glimpse of THE FIXER Graphic Novel Interior Art

I’m happy to announce that artist Rob Moran of Voodoo Vision Studios has been hired to handle pencils on THE FIXER graphic novel due out in October. Rob did up a quick promo piece at the left featuring a few key elements from part 1 of the story arc. Artist Brian McCullough is also hard at work painting the cover and I fully expect this to be a fantastic book with some truly gorgeous artwork.

Remember, you will need to pre-order this book in order to receive a copy! Right now, there are no plans to offer this through a traditional distributor, so unless you get in on this great book now, you won’t be able to find a copy unless you search the secondary market and don’t mind paying hundreds of dollars for it. You can get it right now for just $19.95 ($14.95 + $5 shipping anywhere in the world) by using the form below.

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Parallax & Vicarious Now on iTunes!

I’m happy to announce that both PARALLAX and VICARIOUS are now available as apps for both the iPhone and iTouch over on the iTunes store. Go forth and buys gobs of copies! 🙂

Buy PARALLAX at iTunes

Buy VICARIOUS at iTunes

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Welcome to the New Website!

So today marks the first day we’re live with the brand new website design (now using a WordPress theme instead of Joomla) courtesy of my amazing web design guru Nick Abbondandolo & his company Based in Los Angeles, they do some terrific work and I can’t recommend him highly enough. We’ve still got some tweaks to implement and content to shift over, but we are very much live and I hope you enjoy checking out all the pages. Lots more to come in the months ahead…

Make sure you’ve gotten your hands on all the ebooks I’m currently offering! All the other pages except this one and the home page have a handy sidebar to the right where you can click on a cover image and be whisked away to Smashwords to purchase them all. And very shortly, we’ll be unveiling some hot new swag, including T-shirts and sweatshirts.

Hope you enjoy the site – let me know what you think!


To celebrate the new website, if you leave me a comment below, I’ll enter your name for a chance to win a signed copy of my latest Rogue Angel novel SACRED GROUND! This is a quickie event, so chime in and you might win when I draw a name tonight!

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